Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Black Dog Sunday - R's Joyful Recovery

Just about a year ago, R had major reconstructive elbow surgery. It had taken me months to set it up because no surgeons in our area did "CUE" surgery. The road back from the surgery has been long and full of rehab exercises (to this day). The Runner and I each have a list of about 10 exercises that we do with him each day.

I think that this series of photos shows why we worked so hard to get CUE surgery for R and to do the rehab to make him strong again. I took these photos this morning.

It started as a routine recall.

Then R began to elevate.

And, for no particular reason except that he was bursting with joy, he flew through the air to finish the recall.
We love R, and we're thrilled that his joy can come out in the form of exuberant leaps!

I sent a copy of the last photo to his surgeon with a sincere thank you note.


  1. this is totally AMAZING, I am so happy to see both of them running together again. awesome shot of the elevation of R

  2. It is truly amazing, and you should be proud of yourselves, it's all a tribute to your love, hard work and dedication that you give he and Shyla each and every day!

  3. Seeing that sheer joy makes everything worthwhile, doesn't it? ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. Look at you fly, R! We are doing happy dances here!

  5. Hari OM
    WWWhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Remember all the trauma of trying to get him the best medical help.....and the rehab and recovery. It is fantastic to see that it has gone so well.

  7. You would never guess what that flying dog has been through!

  8. We bet your surgeon is amazed at R's progress and recovery - we think it is in very large part due to your dedication and perseverance with those exercises.

  9. I know you had to have that photo on your wish list during the early days after R's surgery. How super wonderful!

  10. The look on R's face, I can see it he is happy to be running again!
    We are looking forward to more adventures with R and Shyla.
    xo Astro

  11. I love him. He has so much zest for life!

  12. He is so handsome!!! We bet his surgeon will LOVE that photo. What a nice thing for you to do!

  13. That is great to see. R is truly the bionic dog. We never thought a dog could receive a surgery like that nd return to full capabilities. A big tip of the tail to you both.

  14. OMD, I missed so many posties!!!! OMD, that is so FABulous!!!!! R looks like he never had any problems at all!!! I thinks his surgeon is gonna LOVE this photo!
    Ruby ♥


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