Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday Musings - Black Dog Love

One "side effect" of Shyla's time off from mountain biking when she was adapting to her new epilepsy medicine was that I had the chance to spend some wonderful time with R. It's been a while since I've mountain biked with him alone. I have to say that he's really matured into a wonderful mountain biking companion, always staying close and doing as I ask.

He gets impatient with photography pretty fast so I learned that I'd get one or maybe two tries at a given shot during a ride. That made me be very careful that I was ready when he started running! I love seeing him in front of our mountains with his ears up like a shepherd.

I also love seeing him gallop. His gait is so much better than it was before he had his major elbow surgery almost a year ago.

He loved galloping on the soft ground, and he looked so shiny in the dappled forest light.
Even after Shyla returns to normal, I think that I'll ask to take R mountain biking more often than I have over the past few years. It's hard to believe that he's nine years old because he's still so fit and able to run!

I love our black dog!


  1. I just adore that R! Reminds me of my Josey who was such an amazing athlete...

  2. it's so great that R ca go hiking and biking with you... it's like one of this miracles what make life to a wonderful thing...

  3. Hari OM
    sooooo handsome you 'R'!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. You look so superhappy, R☺

  5. He's such a joy to see running in the wild of the mountains.
    I'm so glad he can run again.
    Happy Crazy Love,

  6. He surely looks like he's enjoying it!

  7. looking at R I still wonder even more why people will not adopt black dogs from the local rescues. a couple times a year they run a black dog special and cut the cost from 80 to 20 because they say no one wants black dogs. I just don't get it. love that shiny fur

  8. It is so wonderful to see that fantastic R romp!

  9. So glad the surgery and all the PT worked out so beautifully for R!

  10. I'm so jealous you are able to get great pics of a black dog. I either get a silhouette on Elsa or a washed out over exposure. What are you shooting with?
    P.S. Love the Flying Dog shot. 🛩

  11. That's great that he could step in and be a good bike companion while Shyla was 'off duty.'

  12. Glossy coat, ears alert, and a wonderful companion.

  13. He's so handsome and happy-looking!!!

  14. He looks so strong and athletic....I love that in a dog, especially when they are older!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. He is a fine specimen of an athletic dog!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. such a handsome happy boy!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. R looks so healthy and strong and happy!

  18. He looks SO much like our dear Annie that I just had to comment! Jackie


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