Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Silly Saturday

Shyla and I both woke up more sluggishly than usual yesterday.

I felt uninspired when we started our mountain bike ride. Then, we took a break to play some games. Those got me smiling!

Her focus when there's a piece of cheese on her nose is incredible!

She kept coming close to snarfing the cheese after she tossed it in the air.

But she never quite nailed it despite frantic efforts.
Our silly little game turned around my day... giving me the verve that I'd been lacking! Thanks, Shyla, for lifting me up!


  1. Hari OM
    this is the thing I miss most about having a dog around; Jade would never let me 'loll' for long!!! Have a great weekend you two. YAM xx

  2. Nice that a fun little game made both your souls smile:)

  3. We dogs have a way of motivating and cheering up our humans!

  4. That is so funny, where did it go, Shyla says?? Beautiful sunny day to give you all some fun time together.

  5. Ha roo! What great photos!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  6. We always wake up READY to GO in this household! Don't think the cheese would have half a chance around here.

  7. HEY GURL!!!! OMD, I keep not gettin' your posties in my feed! I don't knows what's up with that, butts I'm gonna have Ma check it out, cause you are lookin' gooooood! AND....CHEESE???!!!! OMD, you are livin' the life gurl! Ma keeps hindin' the cheese from me....so wrong...OH so wrong...
    Ruby ♥

  8. OMD but I love that first photo! You are such a gem, Shyla♥

  9. Those are great shots of Shyla trying to catch the cheese. It put a smile on my face too.

  10. Barometric pressure affects us too! Love those missed 'gulper' pics.

  11. Her expressions are so hilarious!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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