Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 17, 2017

Strife within the Elk Herd

Recently, our elk herd was just hanging out nearby.

They gave me the impression that they were unconcerned with me but this elk's ears told the real story. It's amazing how she could twist them around to listen behind her.

Then, in the part of the herd that was in the shade, I saw some commotion. Suddenly, two cow elk reared up and began sparring. They appeared to be doing something with their mouths in addition to flailing at each other with their hooves.

Sometimes, their hooves actually met, making a loud clacking sound.

It appeared to be an almost choreographed dance but the intent was definitely not completely friendly. I suspect that these two cow elk were fighting over something having to do with their herd status.

Then, as rapidly as their spat started, it ended. Both elk lowered themselves toward the ground.

Then, one trotted away with the other following. Soon, the pair was mixed in with the rest of the herd so I couldn't tell whether they were still bothering each other.

Another cow elk looked on serenely. She's looking good, with luxurious fur, for this time of year.
When we first moved here eons ago, an old timer told us that we'd get sick of the elk over the years. I thought that she was wrong, and she was! We love watching them in the evenings as the shadows grow long.

What an amazing place we get to live!

P.S. I may take some blogging break days in the near future. Don't worry if there's no post for a day or two here or there.


  1. Wow, we didn't know the girls fought like that! What a fascinating thing to be able to watch.

  2. thanks for the heads up on taking a leave.. I would never get tired of watching these beauties..

  3. Great shots, I wouldn't get tired of them either.

  4. How could anyone get sick of wildlife? I mean, there are some varieties I don't want on the roof or even on the property (racoons come to mind), but it's not because I don't find them interesting anymore.
    Like Elk World, sparring within the herd is also a frequent occurrence in Goat World, sometimes even mother vs. offspring. When it gets a bit serious and those horns crack together it can make you wince! And recent mornings I've had two goats, a mother and grown daughter, pounding the divider in the barn (three goats confined on the other side) so hard I can hear it in the house with the windows closed. Bang, bang, bang. Those two may be looking for a career change.

  5. I can't ever imagine growing tired of watching the daily life of the wildlife and their antics.

  6. Wow! What are the chances of seeing Nat Geo live!!
    Lily & Edward

  7. Hey, some put that Elk's ears on backwards! Take a break, we will be right here waiting for you.

    Aroo to you,

  8. We never tire of them either..such a majestic animal!

  9. How exciting and interesting! I don't think I'd ever get tired of watching them!!

  10. So maybe one of the cowelk won the war? We love watching them too but are glad we can do it from a big distance:)

  11. That was a treat...being able to witness the herd dynamics. Don't think I'd ever get tired of seeing them.

  12. Are you sure it wasn't a game of patty cake BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. We would love to see the elk all the time - the pugs not so much
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Enjoy your break. We will miss you!
    Thanks for sharing the elk!

  15. That's such an interesting thing to experience!

  16. They are super cute animals. Their sparring pics remind us of our own wrestling pics a bit. Glad it wasn't a serious disagreement.

  17. they were giving each other the High 2!

  18. Who could tire of these majestic creatures? Certainly not me. Hope you are doing something fun or relaxing in your time off. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  19. You got some great shots....you can actually see the angry look on that one elk's face! I don't think I'd get tired of them either.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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