Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thankful Thursday: Shyla Plays in the Snow!

We were doused in snow in this last storm. For once this winter and spring, the snow exceeded expectations.

Shyla adores snow. She sparkled in it, leaping like a crazy puppy from the very instant that we left the house.

I've decided not let each day become a test of how she's doing with her new epilepsy medicine. I learned an important lesson during Angel K's cancer journey - treasure each day. I forgot about that lesson for a while.

If snow makes Shyla sparkle, then let it snow!

Today, the snow was so white, the sun was shining, and the sky was blue. And, Shyla wanted to play! What a day.

Traditionally, this is our big snow time of year. March was parched so I hope that April makes up for it.

Look at that smile!
Although K's cancer journey was one of the most painful things I've lived through, I am thankful for the lessons that she taught me during those seven months. Most of all, she taught me to find the good in each and every day - to wriggle on your back or leap through the snow - whatever makes you smile.

I'm thankful to K for teaching me that lesson and to Shyla for reminding me of it. After our snowy outing, Shyla was utterly exhausted and slept like a puppy for the rest of the day. But it sure was worth it!


  1. Hari OM
    Sharing in your thanks... we love to see Shyla so joyful too!!! YAM xx

  2. Oh Shyla you look so happy
    Lily & Edward

  3. I'm SO glad Shyla got her snow! And you, too!

  4. Oh did that ever make us smile!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Shyla looks very happy with that snow.

  6. You look so utterly happy, Shyla♥

  7. Shyla is having a BLAST! that's grreat to see.

  8. Shyla clearly was the happiest dog in the world yesterday.

  9. We're so glad you and Shyla had such a wonderful day, and that you got some of the snow you needed. There is definitely something about snow that just energizes dogs!
    It is tough sometimes to remember those lessons that our dogs have taught us, especially after they're gone, but it's so important to try to.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Yes, to treasure each day for what it has, just those 24 hours. Happiness in a doggie's smile is the best.

  11. It looks like so much fun! Hope you get loads more of snow!

  12. A sound philosophy! Shyla looks so happy...probably the best medicine.

  13. Shyla is learning to seize the day too - look how joyful she looks!!!

  14. Shyla looks fantastic running and leaping in the snow! Sometimes there is just something special about snow that brings out the play in us. She looks like she had a great time. And I bet you did too! :)

  15. She looks soo happy!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Yay, happy dog in snow. I am glad that you remembered to treasure each day.
    Wishing you the perfect amount of snow.


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