Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Black Dog Monday

Just about a year ago, the plans finally came together for R's elbow surgery. After all the hard work to set up the surgery, I felt fear about the actual event. I'd been the one who'd made this surgery happen. What would I do if the surgery failed or even made him worse? I'd feel guilt beyond description.

The Runner helped me push that fear out of my mind, and R had his surgery. As you all know who have followed this blog, the recovery takes a full year so we are just now coming to the end of the recovery phase. We do exercises with him daily, and we are continuing to see him get better.

It makes my heart sing to see our boisterous and exuberant black dog run like he loves to do!

He can run so hard that his tongue lolls out to the side.

And, along with his elbow healing, he's become such a joy to ride my bike with because he's so well behaved. I think that's just maturity, and perhaps a stronger bond with me due to all the rehab exercises that we've done together daily for almost a year!
I am so thankful that his surgery turned out to be a success. He's happier, and we're happier. Can we ask for anything more? We will treasure each day that we can play in the wild world with him!

I think that we might keep celebrating R's amazing recovery for a long time! I hope that I don't bore you with the celebrations!!!


  1. Hari OM
    Bravo!!! (...and is it really a year already??? crikey)... YAM xx

  2. We couldn't be any happier for R and for you, KB, and for the Runner and for Shyla! He's looks so happy in his photos!

  3. That was the best decision for him, look at him go!

  4. We're so happy his surgery turned out so well! It's grreat seeing him running again!

  5. We have watched all the hard work you have done for R's recovery.
    Now he is back running in the wild we are happy to see all the photos too.
    Nothing boring about that.
    Happy Crazy Love

  6. We would never get bored with celebrating how well R is doing. You worked so hard to help him reach a full recovery and deserve to bask in the glow of such a success.

  7. he looks 100 percent healed and happy. I can see the joy in the lolling tongue

  8. It is so exciting to see him out and about with a huge smile
    Lily & Edward

  9. Celebrate above and beyond your heart's content, we join with you, as a year later, R can run, go with you on those rides, leap and jump, and after all that time together, have such love and trust in each-other. I remember all those videos of you persuading him to balance, walk through the chair legs, one leg up then the other, and was that wobble board the funniest thing ever? Hugs from a very cold and frosty place here, we have 1.3C.!!!

  10. We love the celebrations and we love the training sessions too!!! Way to go, R!!!

  11. You did a wonderful job with him. It is an absolute miracle. I am so happy to see him running with you again.

  12. We all know you are a good portion of why it was so successful! Great team effort!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Howdy Mates! Oh we've missed your wonderful photos. So glad the surgery proved to be the best idea. He looks amazing.
    NO worries, and love, Stella x

  14. It's definitely something that you should celebrate. Every time R goes with you on the trail, or goes out with the Runner. What a team effort his recovery has been. Kudos to all of you.

  15. we remember when you were waiting for the surgery to happen and now it's been a year already!
    so happy for R and you on his wonderful recovery
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. So happy the surgery went the way you had hoped and he can run and play so well!

  17. We love seeing that handsome guy going full speed!

  18. Not at all! We love hearing about R's success with his surgery and how happy it has made you all!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Love that black dog and his recovery. Keep on sharing!!

  20. I'm so glad you did it and that it worked out well!

  21. You can never bore me with that kind of joy! So glad the surgery worked out well for him!


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