Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 19, 2017

From Flowers to a Blizzard

Yesterday, I was reveling in the flowers that had begun to bloom. Some yellows were showing up in our meadows.

A small patch of Irises stood out bright and tall in a south-facing meadow.

A very old apple tree was covered in zillions of blossoms yesterday. It has never had more than a couple of blossoms in the many years that I've observed it.

And, to my utter surprise, my favorite orchids had burst into bloom weeks ahead of time. I didn't even have my favorite camera for photographing them with me. And, alas, I fear that these orchids and the other blossoms were killed overnight.

We awakened to this view out our bedroom window this morning. We have had more that three feet of snow so far and more is falling. On the left, our "La Fuma" deck chair looks like a sculpture. I wrote yesterday's blog post while sitting in it on the deck. On the right, our patio table has snow up to the bottom of its surface and then several feet of snow on top of it.

Shyla and I went out for a very short and slow slog through the cement-like snow. She was immediately in over her head but leaped up and out, starting her porpoising gait that she saves for snow that is deeper than she is tall.

She was fantastically happy the entire time, which makes me smile no matter what! Absolutely nobody else had tried to go in the forest besides us. I wonder if her carefree joy was possible because she felt so safe from other people.

It seems odd to see green aspen leaves in the midst of the snow. That's a big problem with this storm. Our aspens were tricked into leafing out early by warm weather, and now they're weighed down by very dense snow. I hope that we don't lose too many.
Look at the insane happiness in Shyla's eyes!

Even during our short hike, it seemed like the snow got even deeper as it fell incredibly heavily. This photo is from the very end of our hike.

Yes, this all happened in late May. I did get out on my fat bike for a short tour of our roads. Even our "main" dirt road wasn't really plowed. But our driveway was in fine shape thanks to help from one of our wonderful neighbors!
Happy Snowy May! Our world desperately needed this snow so it's a gift, even if it's not my idea of idyllic May weather!


  1. That is a lot of snow! Enjoy it! (It is cold enough here today it could snow!)

  2. OMD! We don't even get that much snow in the middle of winter! Glad you and Shyla enjoyed it, and I hope the flowers and trees are okay.

  3. Crazy weather! The flowers probably don't know what hit them
    Lily & Edward

  4. Shyla's face in the deep snow slays me. So far our trees see to be okay, but I'm a little worried about the rhubarb that had already come up. I guess I should have covered the plants.

  5. You look so gloriously happy, Shyla! Enjoy your snow! It's 90 degrees here today. YUK!

  6. The moisture is fabulous even though ours was mostly in the form of rain unlike some of the nearby areas. The below freezing temps on the other hand...😆 Love seeing your pup's happy snow leaps.

  7. Is Shyla laughing, open-mouthed with joy,or asking for help?? That is a huge dump,but will give a lot of spring moisture. Biking in that, how do you manage? Now I see more photos, have decided not to come over, even though it is still "magical " to me. Snow to sea level in the far south down here.

  8. Well, you always tell us that May snow is not unusual in your part of the world. We heavy rain, rain, rain, and more rain on the way. That all translates into MUD:(

  9. Enjoy! We wouldn't mind romping in a big snowstorm either.

  10. The flowers are all so pretty and my, that sure is a bunch of snow!

  11. Wow...so much seasonal beauty IN TWO DAYS!! Crazy Mother Nature :-)

  12. OMD the look on Shyla's face is funny.
    We are finally getting a break from the rain.
    xo Astro

  13. that is a lot of snow!! but it looks like Shyla really enjoyed it!
    Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

  14. Your snow made the news even here in North Carolina. I'll bet Shyla rested well after being out in that deep snow. Takes a lot of energy to run in that stuff.

  15. Shyla showed complete abandon in her face. This is so good to see after all she has gone through. Both days were incredibly beautiful. I put all my winter clothes in storage tonight. I may have moved a little too soon.

  16. Love the expressions on her face in those shots! Love to see her looking so happy!

  17. The expressions on her face are amazing. You do such a great job capturing them!


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