Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Springtime on our Mountain

Since the big snow, Shyla and I have been walking in the forest (with me on snowshoes) rather than mountain biking. Very few people have been braving the snow to go into the forest so we have no worries about who we might meet. I must say that Shyla has seemed super happy!
We play all sorts of games while we're out on the trails. Prior to this storm, Shyla spent a lot of time looking over her shoulder, seemingly worried about who or what might be behind her when I tried to play games with her. That hypervigilance started after the evil woman hit her. Since the storm, she has been totally focused on our games.

A lot of our games are "recall" games. An off-leash dog needs to come when called, especially because we share the forest with moose, mountain lions, and bears.

Indeed, as I sat writing this, a moose ambled past our windows. Moose are a HUGE reason why we need to practice recalls! The moose outside our window looked a lot like this one who I saw about a week ago. She was obviously shedding - albeit a little too soon!

She was comfortable enough with me a good distance away (long lens in use!) that she started grooming.

Just after the moose ambled through our clearing today, it started snowing - again. Just today, I could see some serious snow melting and felt hope that we'd see the ground again sometime soon. Alas, tonight may bring us another few inches of snow.
All that we can do is soak up warmth from the fireplace and hope that springtime really arrives sometime before autumn!


  1. Someone hit your pretty girl?!? I missed the post.

    1. Yes, someone did. I see that you found that post. Even I've been on edge since it happened, feeling afraid of what the next person might do to my innocent Shyla. I can only imagine how hard it is for her.

  2. While your home is incredibly gorgeous, I don't think I could deal with snows as we approach Memorial Day weekend. I've had my flowers planted for a couple of weeks now! It's cool here today, 58, but that could flip to 90 in a day! If I had to choose, I would keep the cooler temps, but not at your temps :-)

    1. I understand. In fact, I always feel a little mad at the people who live 3000' lower than us (just 6 miles away) who show up on the first warm day of spring to hike nearby. I feel like we've earned a few quiet days in the mountains after the very long winter :)

  3. Does Mrs Moose ever rub up against a tree to remove furs? She must end up with lots of fuzz in her mouth. Good for you for being superhappy, Shyla!

    1. I've never seen her do that although I know that elk do that. You've piqued my curiosity. I'll try to find out if moose rub their fur on trees during shedding season!

  4. Second spring? Lol So glad Shyla is doing better, and that is one mangy moose.

  5. I am glad we don't have snow in our spring
    Lily & Edward

  6. We are so glad to hear about a happy Shyla!

  7. With two Sibes blowing coat, this lady is a bigtime plucker - that moose would certainly tempt me to do some serious plucking, but I know that would be a very unwise decision:)

  8. Your last photo is a real beauty. Moose shedding winter coats, and Shyla in happiness again, that is such good news.

  9. Wow, snow! You're so lucky! (Why is our mom cringing?)
    I was blowing coat pretty much like that Moose - now it's Cammie's turn. We like to trade off to extend the season. Our mom really appreciates it!
    Shyla looks GREAT!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
    PS: Thanks for the confirmation of the Bull Snake!

  10. Glad Shyla is emotional recovering. Enjoy the snow for as long as it's around. Only rain in theMile High, but I'll take it.

  11. I think you are doing a service teaching people that wild animals are live and should be given space and respect, something that can also be learned by the sea lion pulling the young girl in the water after her family let her hang off the dock and feed it.

  12. Great photos! We just hope the snow is DONE!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Awww, the snow is so pretty, and the moose is beautiful even though she is shedding.

  14. Nice moose snaps!
    Just yesterday I was thinking maybe I should let go of my Iversons. It seems unlikely I'll ever be in a job or situation again where I will need them often enough to get strong enough to really use them again, and this year I didn't wear them even once to break trails in Goat World. It seems a shame to let such good tools hang idle in my workshop for years and years. Hmmm.

    1. If you get rid of them, you know what will happen - the snowiest winter on record!!!!! :)

  15. I sure hope Spring comes to your corner of the world soon, but we do enjoy seeing the beauty of your winter interludes!

  16. I hope you can soon get back on your bike and off the snowshoes. I'm sure they are a strain on your back. Love the fact that Shyla feels more comfortable and hope she gets back all the gains she lost from the evil witch.

  17. I would take the snow. It keeps the idiots inside. Also, it keeps the bugs down. I can't even walk in the woods right now because there are so many bugs. And don't get me started on the idiots. Do they think their dogs only like to be walked in nice weather?

  18. WE have a "tropical" storm system coming through. No moisture but high winds and the temps will stay mild
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  19. Oh gosh, I thought your snow would be all gone by now! I feel better about coming back home to just cooler temperatures and some rain now. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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