Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday Stars

In the desert, Shyla seemed ready to sleep as soon as the sun went down.

Indeed, as we all slept, the Milky Way rose each morning around 2AM. I programmed my camera to take photos of it until dawn. Here it was rising over a canyon wall, just barely visible. Over the next three hours, it rotated through the sky gorgeously.

For a serene moment on this Sunday, watch and listen to this time lapse video of the Milky Way rotating through the sky. The video condenses 3 hours of Milky Way viewing into a bit more than a minute. If you run into trouble watching it here, you can view it on Youtube.

I hope that you're having a relaxed Sunday.


  1. Hari OM
    Golly I wish I lived near some decent dark sky... YAM xx

  2. that is beautiful... and so wonderful... probably Shyla saw it so many times and it was no longer a big event for her?

  3. those billions of stars are awe inspiring and I have never seen that many at one time, the timelaps is gorgeous and love the music. perfect with it...

  4. Hi there, my sweet Blogger friend Sandra sent me your link. Am I glad she did. Was this the meteor shower promised on 4 5 and 6 May? We waited every morning (Early) and saw nothing. Thanks for sharing. Greetings Jo (South Africa) PS I love your doggie friend.

  5. Love that. I really miss the milky way when I can't see it.

  6. Love, love, love the stars, and sweet Shyla too!

  7. That is really cool! I can never stay up so late to see the stars so thank you for sharing!

  8. The Milky Way video is beyond fantastic!

  9. We had too much cloud cover here, so I didn't see the meteor shower, but there they it is , and the Milky Way, beautiful time lapse. Music suits perfectly. No wonder people who live in big cities are in awe of the magical skies at night when they see a video like this.

    1. I had not heard of a meteor shower being visible here. There were a few meteors but not as many as I usually see during a shower (that video encompassed more than 3 hrs). Perhaps the meteor shower was more specifically forecasted for NZ?

  10. Oops, grammar error, it should have been, " meteor shower, there it is"

  11. That is so amazing and awesomely beautiful!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Thanks for sharing something that I will likely never see in person. That is amazing.

  13. Thank you for sharing this mesmerizing and gorgeous video. Such things serve well to remind us how small we are.

    Reminds me of the lyrics...
    We live we die, we laugh, we cry and when we're gone the world goes on.
    We love, we hate, we learn too late. How small we are. How little we know.

  14. Amazing video/photos!! I think that if I were Shyla, I'd be ready to fall asleep too, especially under those amazing stars!!

    PS: MANY THANKS for the advice about new people meeting Molly, I really do appreciate it! I tell people who are meeting Sunny for the first time to not make a lot of eye contact with him, and it's spot-on advice for people meeting Molly that I'd not thought of -- Which is why I am so glad that you did! I admire you and have a great deal of respect for you and all you've done and do for your pups, so please feel free to pass on your thoughts and advice anytime!

  15. OH KB that was wonderful. I loved how you caught the shooting stars too. The music selection....excellent......Love your work

  16. That was beautiful, I can only imagine what it is like in person. Thanks for sharing


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