Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunshine and Snow!

The sun woke me out of a deep slumber this morning, shining through our east facing bedroom windows.

I opened the door onto the deck, and I saw that hummingbirds were devouring our sugar water. I suspect that feeders helped these tiny birds survive this storm.

Shyla and I headed out for a hike on the trails soon after breakfast. The trail that we've been snowshoeing for the past few days was starting to be easier for walking.

But then we reached the end of the packed trail, entering the last frontier! Shyla led the way.

Soon thereafter, she fell into my tracks and showed just how tired she was as she slumped against the edge of the tracked part of the snow.
We turned around soon thereafter. Both of our legs were feeling fatigue from the past couple of days of slogging through this cement snow.

Thanks to the sun, snow bombs rained down throughout the forest and often on us. In this photo, green aspen leaves have a rain of snow falling behind them. I love the juxtaposition of green spring leaves and falling snow.

Snowshoeing kills my spine, leaving me in agony. So, I headed out to spin on my bike on our dirt roads after snowshoeing. I heard the tapping of a bird on something metallic. I spotted a Williamson's Sapsucker on a utility pole. I love his vibrant colors!
Today felt as if we were returning to springtime. Now we await for the several feet of snow on the ground to melt. The creeks will be raging and the wildlife watering holes will be full soon!


  1. Hari OM
    It's a crazy spring everywhere; after several weeks of sunshine and warmth we are also back to wintry stuff - can't see the hills for dropped clouds and wetness...sigh... would rather it was pretty white like yours! Blessed Sunday from here to there... YAM xx

  2. Good grief, you guys got nailed. Weird storm this last one, hit southern Wyoming and Colorado. We had a few inches, but that was it. Poor Shyla, she looks tired of the snow.

  3. Shyla's face is adorable as she rests against the snow. I love the snow bomb picture.

  4. We didn't know that hummers and snow went together! You sure did get slammed!

  5. Having a seat in the snow, her face shows so much. What a huge dumping, and birds knowing where to come for that winter feed, that photo is so wonderful.

  6. There have been many times I felt like slumping against snow, but unlike Shyla, I would have been unable to get back up ;)
    Glad you got more snow at last, but now I bet you're ready to have it disappear from the lower elevations for a while. I always hope late-season cold and snow will kill off the black flies and mosquitoes and such, but it never seems to happen. Why is that?!

  7. Shyla, as if to say, "Boy, I thought spring was here?!!" Sometimes calendars lie, Shyla! :-) Bless your day~ Andrea in Indiana

  8. Looks like the promise of Spring Part Deux is showing itself!

  9. That blue sky and snow is just so beautiful...too bad it's the wrong season. Glad you're feeding the Hummingbirds.

  10. My gosh, I can't believe you have so much snow. But it does make for beautiful pictures. Especially the hummingbird.

  11. OOOOh, I've never even heard of the Williamson's Sapsucker! What a beauty!
    Gorgeous pix; love the contrast of the snow with the Spring leaves!

  12. We are having a nice spring day! hope it heads your way
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Funny how all the greenery and signs of Spring look even more beautiful in the snow. Great shots of those birdies, especially the hummer.

  14. After weeks of rain the sun has finally come out.
    We are having a mini heat wave for our area.
    Enjoy the break I am sure your summer will arrive
    soon enough.
    Astro & Linda

  15. Here's to melting snow and a bit of spring.

  16. OMD, those are such amazin' photos!!! Oh gurl, I'm sorry you tire out faster now on the meds. I hope it will gets better. And I hope the Spring sun will melt the snow, so your adventures will be smoother! I can send some of our heat up your way...it was 90 today! I gots to say, that snow looks FABulous! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  17. That is tough...trekking through the cement snow. We sure do hope you are feeling better and that the snow starts to melt soon. It has been a very weird spring with all of this strange weather.
    xo Jeanne and Chloe

  18. It's so pretty though! Walking in the snow is hard work, and when the snow is that deep in our woods, I won't walk there. Especially if no-one else has walked there before us. :-(

  19. The contrast between the snow and the green leaves is amazing!


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