Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thankful that Springtime Reappeared!

Spring is here again. I wonder how many starts to spring we'll get? The hummingbirds, the Duo, and I all had breakfast on the deck this morning. Actually, I was so excited to sitting outside watching the birds that I did very little eating and a lot more snapping photos!

I love watching the aerial acrobatics of hummers. They fan out their tails to slow down for landing on the feeder.

Then, despite a healthy amount of snow still on the trails, Shyla and I went out for a fat bike ride. I was so thrilled to be doing something that made my back feel good as opposed to trudging through snow! I think that Shyla was happy too!

I made a point of visiting a spot where some swallows are nesting. A bluebird pair had chosen this tree hole early in the spring but the swallows threw them out.

I captured a series of photos of the swallow pair that made me laugh! They appeared to be sharing a branch amicably.

Then they turned and started screaming at each other!

He started to get in her face and her beak opened wider.

The "argument" went on and on. This was about the tenth photo in the series.

Then, their vocalizing tailed off.

And they just looked at each other.

With their anger spent, they scanned the world, and one swallow spotted me. I wondered if they were embarrassed that I saw their little tiff?!?
It made me laugh because it reminded me of a long-married couple who can argue vociferously with each other and then let it go almost right away.

I am thankful for the reappearance of springtime. The sunshine warming my face felt luxurious and seeing the snow melt off our veggie gardens made me smile. Nothing has sprouted yet but there's hope for the near future.

Thank you to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh I adore watching the birdies... and this was a delight to share; the joy of spring. YAM xx

  2. Love your pictures of the swallow pair! They're such beautiful birdies!

  3. We also have had days like that here, a few days of spring, a few days of summer and even this week a few days with the heat on. Weird weather, but did enjoy your pictures. stella rose

  4. That's a funny set of photos. I had no idea that birds did that. So how much snow do you still have?

    1. It has melted exponentially fast. As of two days ago, I was still wading through snow up to my shins. As of today, everything but the north-facing slopes was down to only patches of snow. Amazing!

  5. LOl...The birds are hilarious. It's amazing to me that the hummers we see in Arizona in the winter, could very well be the hummers you see in summer.

  6. Great pictures of the swallows. They flutter around so much we never get a good chance to see them. We think ours have orange on their backs
    Lily & Edward

  7. Such beautiful specimens of avian wonders.

  8. Birds having a tiff, so funny, and you captured it all so well. Vege gardens, do you ever cover the garden beds with heavy duty plastic on huge hoops of plastic piping? We do, and so does our daughter in the far south, puts frost cloth over, then the plastic, weighs it down with lengths of timber, and it gives a mini climate inside. Sometimes the snow has to be shaken off, but it helps with those early spring veges and gives them a good start to life.

    1. I used to cover my gardens but it didn't seem to make much difference. I should look into it again because I might be able to grow a greater variety of things. I've transitioned to growing things that can handle a cold snap (greens, root vegetables).

  9. Yes, Spring is finally here! Hopefully you are done with snow there! Great photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Oh, I love the swallow photos - that really made me smile! I have to say it was tough coming back to the chilliness of NH after the warmth of SC. But at least everything is green and blossoming, and there has been a little bit of sun to warm us some.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Oh my goodness! I love your swallows series! They are such gorgeous, active birds!
    Shyla looks so good!!!

  12. the swallow pictures are made us smile!!!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. We love birds here too, we don't see to many so this was nice.
    xo Astro

  14. I love the photo of the humming bird! We've been thinking about getting a feeder! Yay for Spring!

    1. Hummer feeders are so much fun. You should try one (except if you're in bear country - then you need to be careful)!

  15. Wonderful post. I loved your capture of birds being birds. So lovely. Glad you're back on the bike.

  16. A bird fight! Now that is pretty funny!

  17. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!, we appreciate you being here!

  18. The bird argument made me laugh - one of those pictures definitely had a vibe of "Why did I ever marry you?"
    Here, each goldfinch at my feeder is so busy shouting off every other goldfinch, much time is wasted when they could all be eating.

  19. This must be common behavior with swallows. I caught a similar sequence in 2007. You can see it here:

    Glad to see your weather is warming up a bit.


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