Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Shyla in the desert and yesterday

Shyla's beauty glowed in the desert sunset light.

Yesterday, Shyla's face swelled up during an allergic reaction to something she encountered outside in the morning. Her face became a bit more dramatically swollen than this on the way to the vet.
We spent part of the day at the Emergency Vet, and Shyla is better after treatment. I am hoping that there are no repercussions in terms of seizures.

I really needed one *normal* day to get caught up. Of course, without hesitation, we let our day be dictated be Shyla's veterinary needs... so now I'm even further behind! I'm giving up on catching up soon!


  1. Poor Shyla! She (and you) can't catch a break! Hope she is feeling OK now!

  2. Hope you can figure out - and/or Shyla can avoid - whatever caused the reaction. One of my wolfhounds got stung on her face by a ground hornet, but if I hadn't seen it happen I never would have known what caused the swelling. The memory of that - plus the many forester stories I've listened to, wincing - is one of the many reasons I will always use a commercial spray ASAP after locating a ground hornet hole. The hair is standing up on my arms just writing this!
    Feel better, Shyla :) (And fingers crossed for no more seizures!)

  3. Hari OM
    oh my... as to a 'normal' day... even I long for that at the moment! huggies Shyla-gal - you manage to look gorgeous even with an evil wink!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh you poor baby. Hope you are feeling better.
    Lily & Edward

  5. Poor Shyla...this is so very scary!! Glad to hear the swelling is down!

  6. You look so sad and defeated, Shyla. We hope this doesn't happen again - EVER!

  7. Scary... bee sting? nettle? the sap from a plant stem? Hope you find the cause. and naturally our dogs and cats can change any day's plans in a moment. Hang in there Shyla, you will be back outside very soon.

  8. Mom's face swells up like Shyla's when her allergies gets the best of her. Hope Shyla feels better soon.

    Aroo to you,

  9. Poor sweetie, gentle hugs to sweet Shyla.

  10. Poor Shyla!!! We hope she recovers quickly and without any seizures. And of course, she should be your priority!!!

    Hope today is more normal than even normal.

  11. I love her eyes and that first shot! So sorry about the allergic reaction - hope she feels better soon.

  12. The labs always come first in our book. The work can wait. Poor girl, she's really on a roller coaster.

  13. Oh no, poor Shyla, and poor you...that must have been so stressful. Why is it just when we're working on getting caught up, life throws something else at us? Anything to do with taking any of my pets to the vet automatically hijacks my day. Getting caught up can always wait. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Oh poor baby! Don't bother trying to catch up. it will be there after we die anyway... LOL. that's my motto, especially with Lyme. I'm all, yah, laundry? i'll just buy more socks and underwear instead of washing them... Kisses to poor Shyla. She needs this like a hole in the head. sigh.

  15. We hope Shyla is feeling better now and the swelling is down. Must be frustrating wondering what the cause was
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Oh noes!!!! Oh gurl, I hopes you are doin' betters, and I hopes your Moms is getting lots of margaritas and cookies for the stress ☺
    Sendin' tons of POTP and healin' vibes and lots and lots of slobbery kisses, cause that fixes EVERYTHINGS!
    Ruby ♥

  17. That is scary. Hope she is continuing to do better!

  18. Oh Shyla, you poor baby, you just can't catch a break. so sorry to see this..

  19. Yikes - poor gal! Too bad the vet couldn't tell you what did it. Too cold yet for most stinging things.

  20. oh that just hurts looking at her. Now get out there and send me an after the vet, my swelling is down picture. Oh and give her a huge hug from her followers

  21. Catching up is over-rated. Besides, it doesn't give you anything to look forward to. LOL


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