Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Golden World!

If I could have several months of June, I'd revel in it. It's my favorite month here. We rarely travel in June because our favorite place is our mountain home.

It's wondrous outdoors! Close to our house, a meadow that was grazed by cattle for decades has been allowed to grow wild. The result is stunning.

I cannot believe the field of gold that has grown in the meadow. I took R there today wanting to see our black dog romp in the gold. He did his usual "bowl over the photographer" move but it yielded a fun photo!
I've been loving riding my bike through the stupendous world although my spine is more painful than it's been in a while. I'm hoping that my medicine - movement - works again this time. It's been a decade since I had fusion surgery on my lumbar spine, and I'd like to keep that long quiet streak alive so that I can keep enjoying the outdoors.
Happy Golden Springtime!


  1. Looks like it is R and Shyla's favourite time of year too!

  2. Your world is gorgeous all year long, but those flowers are pretty amazing. I would love to see it in real life!

  3. Ah, they both have giant smiles on their faces.
    Enjoying nature sure is fun.
    xo Astro

  4. Hari OM
    Nature in full lustre is a bounteous thing... YAM xx

  5. I don't blame you. I would stay right there too.

  6. Both dogs look amazing in the field of gold - really brings out the lushness of their coats!!! Hope your spine starts to improve with the riding.

  7. It really does look like a blooming month! The colors are brilliant
    Lily & Edward

  8. Love the smiles on Shyla and R's faces as they romp through the fields of gold! The Columbine is just magnificent!

  9. Those colors are absolutely magical!

  10. Spectacular-guess all that rain and snow in May is paying off big time. June is lovely in the mountains since it's not nearly as hot as it has been down the hill. Upper 90's these net couple of days...I'm already looking forward to autumn if summer (which official arrives tomorrow) continues its hot, hot ways.

  11. Such beautiful photos -- and R and Shyla look so happy!!!!

  12. All seasons have their beauty, but we must agree with you that June is golden.

  13. Sorry that you are continuing to have back pain. It must be very frustrating. Hopefully gentle movement will help. In fact, I read a post about how gentle yoga can be helpful.

    Of course, I'm really being selfish. I really want to see more pictures. :)

  14. Yellow is my favorite color, and I would just love photos of my own dogs with that gorgeous background!
    Why do we have to have pain? I hate that it can take away so much enjoyment...I hope your spine gets feeling better soon.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Here's to the healing power of the Rockies, the dogs, the bike and the lovely weather.

  16. I can't begin to imagine seeing that much color in our world. So Awesome!!

  17. Absolutely beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. It certainly is beautiful! The one place we lived in Germany had some beautiful rolling hills and fields with awesome color too. It was also a higher elevation.

  19. A truly stunning color! R seems to enjoy it, too. I don't blame you for not wanting to go away in June when you have these golden fields right at your front door.


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