Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thankful Thursday

Do you ever want to stop time, right here and right now? I feel that especially acutely when I've formed a strong bond with a dog. I've learned from past experience that their time on this earth is fleeting, as many of you have learned too.
Shyla hasn't had an easy life even though we do our best for her. The stress that she feels every day shows in the amount of gray fur she's getting on her face and even on her paws and probably contributes to her epilepsy.

Although she's not the dog who I expected to arrive in my life back in 2012, she has been a dog who has forced me to grow in unexpected ways. I've learned empathy for those with deep-seated anxiety and fear, for that is what hinders Shyla. I've also learned to play like a child with her because that is one thing that brings out the joy deep within her.
I am so thankful for that day when Shyla arrived in our lives, even though it was immediately clear that we had a long journey ahead of us before she'd even trust me or the Runner. Now, when she rests her chin on my chest, she lets out a sigh of contentment. That sigh is music to my ears.

Thank you to Brian who has hosted this Blog Hop.


  1. time, the answer to so much, and trust, patience, and perseverance from you to continue with games and play as Shyla learnt she was in a home where love was in abundance every day.beautiful photos.

  2. I've never had a dog with anxiety issues, which doesn't mean I won't someday. I hope if that ever happens I can that dog the same peace and security you have given your girl.

  3. You and Shyla were truly meant to be, KB♥

  4. We think Shyla has a lot to be thankful for too. She couldn't have landed in a better place than with you.

  5. You are exactly what Shyla needs, and yes, she is just what you need. What a tremendous bond!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

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  7. Ahhh, so special. I have the same feeling for my Lily

  8. You write straight from the heart, and that quality is unmistakable. Thanks for blogging, KB.

  9. Beautiful Shyla is a most wonderful gift! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Beautiful words and pictures. <3

  11. There is nothing like the bond between a human and a dog. Each one is different but they are always so rewarding.

  12. Oh, I know exactly how you feel! I think the needier dogs gain a special place in our hearts. I had big plans for Luke but his fearful personality has made most of those impossible. But the love we get from him cannot be matched. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Stopping time, and having a vivid memory. Certainly helps in the dental chair, when you can transport yourself back to something beautiful.

  14. That is so beautiful! I never thought we'd adopt Cammie - she is a former show dog from an excellent breeder who allowed us to adopt her when she was 5 years old. It has been one of the best decisions we ever made. I am so very, very thankful to have her in our family!

  15. Howdy Mates. Lovely post. Mum wishes she could sometimes go back in time and just hold it for a little while. Your Shyla found just the perfect home for her and it seems like for you all too. Our Rory was very grey too and we always wondered if it was his disability that caused it even though he was a happy goofy guy every day even when he wasn't well. Take care and love to all.
    No worries, and love, Stella x

  16. Me and Stanley are 5 years old and mom keeps saying she wants to stop the clock.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. So good to be thankful and even better to share that gratitude out loud. Happy weekend.


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