Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 9, 2017

See Beautiful: Wildflowers going wild!

The wildflowers here are bursting into bloom all of a sudden. Shyla and I visit meadows filled with yellow flowers frequently.

Blue Flag Irises have also started blooming in the meadows. Whole meadows have a purple tint thanks to the flocks of irises shining.

I love the vibrant purple of irises...

...and the intricacies of their incredible petals.

Every year, I find spiders on irises. Usually, they are yellow spiders but today's spider was different. Whenever I brought my lens too close, the spider made a string of web and rappelled down toward the ground. When I backed away, he climbed back up onto the petal.
My reading tells me that spiders lurk on flowers so that they can capture and eat insects who come to the flower for the pollen.

I adore the meadows at this time of year. On the edges of meadows, the chokecherries are blooming now. In the late summer, these blossoms will be bright red chokecherries that bears gorge upon.

After Shyla and I finish playing in the meadows, we often take forested trails to get back home. Our resilient orchids, Fairy Slippers, are still blooming! You might remember that they first started blooming in late May. Then, we got a huge snowstorm (36" of snow fell), and they survived against all odds. I think that they are nearing the end of their time to shine this year so I'll show you one more photo!
In the meantime, I don't think that the meadow wildflowers are even close to peaking yet. I'm hoping that the late season snowstorm didn't hinder their development because the meadows usually have much denser yellow flowers by now. Time will tell!

I adore seeing Shyla gallop through the wildflowers at this time of year!
I especially love when she makes a funny face while doing it!

Happy Friday!!!!


  1. Simply gorgeous. Nothing like a field of wild flowers.

  2. Those flowers are so amazing and so is a happy Shyla!

  3. Something about wildflowers in a meadow! You go Shyla
    Lily & Edward

  4. Shyla...OMCs you are bursting with joy and beauty today...what a lovely field of posies for romping.
    Hugs madi and Mom

  5. I had thought to say I would love to run through those flowers until you showed us this very interesting and talented spider. I don't do spiders, but he is pretty awesome with his spinning

  6. The flowers are just gorgeous - each and every one of them!

  7. Beautiful!

    Do you have a big problem with tucks out there? They are REALLY bad here in New England this year.

    1. Do you mean "ticks"? We have some but not too many. I think that I've seen 3 or 4 this year. After our spring snows, our world dries out fast (making for bad wildfire danger) which isn't good for ticks. I hope that you can steer clear of them because I know how common Lyme is out there.

  8. Do you swap lenses when you are out? Wide angle for the meadows and close-up for your beautiful petals? Looks like the flowers all survived the winter, and nature is giving another gorgeous display.

    1. I don't carry multiple lenses. Instead, I take wider views while I'm out with Shyla. Then, I take my macro lens on my camera when I go out by myself. Two lenses is too heavy for me!

  9. There is nothing more beautiful than a field of wildflowers....except a field of wildflowers with a beautiful dog romping through it! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Those wild flowers sure are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  11. The flowers are all so beautiful! Of course, Shyla is the most beautiful! :)

  12. Beautiful wild flowers - they must make you smile as you ride by. We always smile at Shyla's expressions:)

  13. Flowers and dogs in the meadows. Life is good. Hope you have a great weekend

  14. Shyla looks so very beautiful surrounded by wildflowers!! What a great capture of the spider too!

  15. I'm sure it is gorgeous in your meadow. My irises always have a little spider in them too. Now I know why!

  16. Beautiful! It looks like Shyla had a great time in the meadow. We have some irises planted in our yard, but Rye just dug up one of the plants in an attempt to get a chipmunk that was hanging out under our shed--hopefully the others can make it because they hadn't started blooming yet!

    1. Last year, I collected iris pods and spread the seeds in our meadowy area on our land. None have sprouted yet... but I can hope. I hope that some of your irises bloom!

  17. Wild Irises!!! how wonderful
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. It is wonderful to see Shyla so happy! Your flowers are gorgeous! I have never seen wild iris!

  19. She looks great galloping through the wild flowers. Such a pretty time of year!


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