Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 24, 2017

A Dog's Summer

A very tired Shyla is snoozing next to me. I'm so glad to have her home but we won't be doing any of this for a little while.
That photo was from our recent trip up to higher altitude. She was galloping up a slope with huge snowy mountains behind her and wildflowers under her paws.

One lesson that dogs teach me, whether I like it or not, is to value each day because their lives are short. A single summer is a huge fraction of a dog's life because they often get fewer than ten summers in their lives.

We will be back to the mountains again soon. We won't let a dog's summer pass without much more time spent frolicking above treeline.
In the meantime, Shyla will continue to sleep and snore, every so cutely, as her body heals.


  1. I am glad she is back home and hops she is well now

  2. We hope the rest time passes quickly so you can enjoy more of the always too short summer!

  3. We will send you lots of healing vibes so you can continue to enjoy your summer, Shyla♥

  4. Just seeing all this - so sorry! You are so right about life being short - and oh, how things can change in a flash...

  5. We hadn't heard Shyla was sick again. We hope she heals up real quick!

  6. A traumatic event, and this will also be a time for you to have some rest with your darling girl .Love those mountains at the back, a girls' paradise.

  7. Restful and healing sleep Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Rest up for the romp beautiful Shyla!

  9. You expressed my sentiments exactly...when your life is so short, every day matters.

  10. We're sure she'll be out there again, soon.

  11. We hope Shyla's recovery is speedy so she can get back to enjoying her romps in the mountains soon! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. So glad she's home and doing well! And, yes, we have to make the most of every day with our precious pups!

  13. I am so glad that Shyla is on her way to a complete recovery. Your message hits home. I just had to have one of my horses operated on, and that too makes me appreciate whatever time I have with each and every one of my animals.

  14. We missed that she had had issues again. So very sorry. In the photos she looks so happy!

  15. Glad to hear she's back home. Savor the down time and look forward to when you both are able to go-go again.


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