Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Blazing Sunset Sunday

We saw an incredible sunset last weekend while Shyla was in the hospital. It felt so odd to go hiking with just three of us. And then, as soon as I saw the blazing sky, I thought "silhouette"! Then, I remembered that my silhouette model wasn't with us.

We'd decided to go for a hike rather than go visit Shyla in the hospital. The reason was that the vets and techs said that she was very relaxed and outgoing - which is a minor miracle given her fear issues. I'd given them a long list of instructions on "how to handle Shyla's fear", and they said that she'd been remarkably relaxed, even during unpleasant procedures. That report made us think that it would be better for Shyla if we didn't visit and possibly upset her equilibrium.

I must say, though, that I felt that all of our hard work in accustoming her to strangers paid off during her hospitalization!

Now I can truly appreciate the flaming sky colors that we saw on that hike because I know that Shyla is on the mend.

The afternoon was stormy but then a slit of sky opened up just above the Divide to our west. That is the recipe for an amazing sunset show.

The storms have persisted this week. It's actually been nice for Shyla as she's gradually been getting her strength back. She's been doing some biking with me, and the cool weather suits her!
And, if she gets hot, she can duck below the wildflowers to rest in the shade. The flowers are like a forest right now!

Happy Sunday!


  1. What a magnificent sunset! And so glad that Shyla did well during her hospital stay.

  2. that sky is beyond description by words. wow in not enough. awesome isn't either. so happy Shyla did well with strangers.

  3. Amazing sky. And I'm so glad she is feeling better.

  4. That sky is so amazing and so is your beautiful Shyla!

  5. Beautiful sunset! Maybe your girl is doing even better than you suspected! Sounds like she excelled under these difficult circumstances!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Wow - what an incredible sunset! We love you hiding in the pretty purple flowers, Shyla!

  7. Beautiful sunset, indeed! I think you did right by not visiting her and may have even helped her toward restoration. The poodles and I send continued best wishes for her ongoing strength and recovery.

    It's a hard call about whether or not to visit when our pups are in the hospital - but it sure sounds like you did the right thing for Shyla! Putting her needs before yours shows such love for her!

  9. Wonderful news of how Shyla was when away, many hours of all that work and practice and patience, you can believe it really was so worthwhile. And the skies, they put on that show truly for you up there.

  10. Wow, that sky is beautiful! Glad Shyla's doing well. <3

  11. What a gorgeous shot of Shyla hiding in the lovely flowers!!! And that blazing sky is amazing!!! Glad to hear that Shyla is recovering well.

  12. We had a rather spectacular sunrise this morning. Clouds are still around, hoping for some much-needed rain today. That sunset is just glorious.

  13. Beautiful! One time our Sheba was in the hospital post-surgery, for her 2nd round of cancer removal, we opted not to visit her, even though we really wanted to. We had learned that we just upset her if we did - she'd think she was going home - so we felt it was better to just let her rest. She was always comfortable with the vet staff. I hope one day we could make that choice with Luke too - but it seems a long ways away now. I'm so glad Shyla has come so far.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Stunning pictures as always. We are very happy Shyla is doing better

    Angel Foley, Pocket and River Song


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