Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 14, 2017

Flower Friday - The Changing of the Guard

New flowers are shining in our neck of the woods.This is a "Locoweed" with yellow flowers behind it.

Shyla smiled as she ran through Locoweed.

Locoweed is almost always covered in bees. It must have lots of nectar!

I found another new bloomer, an extremely rare flower. Wood Lilies are rarely seen, and I found three in one aspen grove.

Happy Flower Friday!


  1. The colors are changing, but still so beautiful!

  2. What beautiful flowers! I love seeing you smile as you charge though the locoweed, Shyla☺

  3. Your wild flowers and Shyla are very beautiful.

  4. I have heard of loco weed my whole life and never seen it before. since I was concerned it might make beautiful Shyla loco, I looked it up. Loco means crazy and the crazy thing is and why it is named that is It is a hardy plant that is difficult to control; its seeds can lie dormant for 50 years! glad she is safe. it sure makes a gorgeous photo

  5. Fabulous find on the wood lily! Love your gorgeous wildflowers.

  6. A bee on a flower, competition entry for sure. And Shyla smiling, a wonderful selection of your summer days.

  7. Those flowers are beautiful! That Wood Lily must have been amazing to see - and I love the color of the Locoweed!

  8. Always wonderful to find the less common flowers. They're beautiful.

  9. Wow!!! Locoweed is lovely...but those wood lilies are breathtaking!!

  10. Wow, what fantastic photos - that one of the bee is exceptional!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. We loved seeing Shyla in the fields of gold, but now we are in love with how beautiful she looks in that field of pink locoweed - what a pretty flower with a very big mistake of a name:)

  12. Beautiful flowers out there and something beautiful to run through too!


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