Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday is for Mountain Flowers!

We are still in flower season here in the mountains. This meadow is just behind our house.

It's amazing, though, how different the flowers are up high! The bright purple lupines thrive up at higher elevation than our house.

Part of the reason is that the summer starts so much later up there than "down" here at 8200'! We ran into lots of snow on our recent trip. This was at 13,000'.

On south facing slopes up at 13,000', the Columbines were going wild. They grew on talus slopes, which are slopes that appear to be made up entirely of loose rocks. The plants poke their heads up between the rocks.

Every evening at sunset, we went to visit the columbines.

Ah, I just couldn't get enough of them!

Some appeared to be almost bleached white while others had the more traditional wild Columbine look.

I remind myself each day to take some time to enjoy the flowers. We have had such a dry summer that I suspect that there may not be many flowers singing during the second half of summer. 
Even though this last photo is a little "impressionistic", I love the crazy kaleidoscope of yellow flowers.

I took this photo of Shyla in the yellow flowers today. She's getting stronger every day. She did get a secondary infection but it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much. I'll write about what I'm doing to try to prevent such a thing from happening again in a future post.


  1. I love the view of the mountains as much as the crazy yellow flowers....

  2. Hari OM
    Love Shyla's burnished bronze among the gold! YAM xx

  3. Hey, I recognize some of those mountains!!! :)

    1. Yay! We can't wait to get back :) You are so lucky living in the midst of them!

  4. The flowers are just magnificent! Enjoy your romp, Shyla!

  5. You must live in a magical place to have flowers and snow at the same time. mags

  6. Such pretty flowers! I am sure glad Shyla is doing okay.

  7. Glad Shyla is gaining strength!
    I love the wildflowers - especially the Lupine!

  8. Shyla always looks so happy. That's a late and probably short summer
    Lily & Edward

  9. What lovely Columbines and Shyla looks beautiful surrounded by all the yellow!

  10. Those flowers, the colours, and the snow, and then Shyla, who is glowing. You would not know how ill she was just that short time ago.

  11. We think you need to be out as much as you can, so you can enjoy all those gorgeous flowers.

  12. The columbine is such a pretty flower, so delicate but lovely. Hope Shyla bounces back from the infection quickly. Have a great weekend.

  13. The photo of the columbine with the mountains in the background is gorgeous! We're so glad Shyla is getting better, in spite of that infection.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. We hope that secondary infection clears up quickly. Looks like Shyla is feeling pretty good. Great photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Impressionism notwithstanding, it's all gorgeous!


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