Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Shyla is in the hospital

Our sweet Shyla has landed in the hospital after an unauthorized visit to a deer carcass. I saw her nose go up and that special tension that ripples through her muscles when she smells something irresistible. Unfortunately, despite my big efforts to teach her to come to me in these situations, she didn't.
Instead, she went to the carcass. She ate meat and bones. The bones are the problem. The vet hospital is monitoring as the bone shards (hopefully) move through her system. They're also pumping her full of fluids and watching closely in case of the very bad emergency of a shard puncturing the GI tract.

Some dogs might have surgery in this situation but, given Shyla's epilepsy, anaesthesia is more dangerous than for most dogs.

We'll keep you posted as we know more. We do know that she'll be in the hospital at least until mid-day Sunday.


  1. Many Many pug prayers for Shyla coming your way
    Hazel, Mable & Mom

  2. OH dear, one more worry you don't need. But she is in the best place to have immediate care if the need arises. Many thoughts and prayers headed your way for all to be fine.

  3. Have been thinking of you all this evening - I continue to hope and am sending vibes that your girl is home very soon!

  4. Oh Shyla! Gosh, this is the kind of situation I tell the goats "is not really necessary, IS IT?" Oh dear. I will be keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that all goes well (and through) without any further complication. Anesthesia is always a danger with sighthounds, and I know that particular anxiety very well.
    Will be thinking of you, KB!

  5. OH NOES!!!!!! OMD, I am keepin' my paws crossed, and sendin' lots and lots of healin' vibes and POTP!!! I am so glads she is where they can help her in an instant if she needs it ~ good work you. Lots of AireZens coming your way......
    Ruby ♥

  6. We are praying that she passes everything. No matter how much training you do it is hard to stop when a dog's instincts take over.

  7. I checked your time, and am hoping so much that all is well. Hugs.XXXXX

  8. Hari om
    POTP at full tilt... YAM xx

  9. We have been thinking of Shyla and sending tons of AireZen non-stop. Get well SOONEST, Shyla!

  10. We are crossing all paws and hooves that Shyla can come home soonest, having gotten rid of all debris. Naughty girl!

  11. I have tears in my eyes, and I am sending prayers up that the bones will pass with out harm. hugs and prayers for all of you.

  12. We are thinking of you all and have our fingers and paws crossed for Shyla.

  13. We're so sorry to hear this news and have our paws crossed that Shyla comes through this just fine.

  14. So hoping it just turns out to be a tasty raw meal and nothing serious. Even as a raw feeder, I only serve ground bones because I find them so scary!

  15. We continue to think of you and Shyla and send our best thoughts and hopes for her complete recovery. We know how worried and scared you must be...hang in there. ♥

  16. Oh no! Keeping my fingers crossed that everything comes out with no problems. Even with the very best training (which I know Shyla has), some things are just too irresistible. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

  17. Thoughts and prayers along with crossed paws all goes well with your girl.

  18. We are sending lots of prayers for Shyla!

  19. Sending many prayers for Shyla and hugs for you KB!

  20. We understand that a deer carcass takes precedence blocks everything from mind. Do hope she's back out there running through the flowers VERY soon. Hugs to you.

  21. Many good thoughts for Shyla, and mojo for no problems with bones! We worry about her too.

  22. Sending lots of prayers for Shyla and a ton of hugs to you.

  23. Sending lots of prayers for Shyla and a ton of hugs to you.

  24. Just coming back for a minute to say I'm thinking of you all and hoping for good news.


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