Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thankful Thursday

This photo sums up so much for which I am thankful.
I've decided that I need to take it a little easier for the next little while so my posting may be less regular. I promise that my mini-vacation it won't be too long!


  1. Hari OM
    Oh that shot needs blown up and framed and hung on the wall!!! Good for you for taking a wee break. We'll be here when you are &*> YAM xx

  2. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel in finding things to be thankful for today, KB. This picture (& your blog) reminded me of at least one thing... the aroma of coffee in my kitchen is another.

    May your rest be fruitful to you. xoxo

  3. Such a pretty girl! Enjoy your mini-break!

  4. Hope you get rejuvenated and enjoy your mini-vacay.

  5. Enjoy!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Go quietly, rest well, and enjoy every summer day. Are there any fires near you? I see Barb posted details of them near Breck.

  7. What a beauty!!! We hope your break is just what you need. Hugs.

  8. Great photo! Sometimes, some time away is a good thing. Enjoy!

  9. What a beautiful portrait of you, Shyla! Enjoy your mini-vaca, KB!

  10. There's nothing wrong with taking it easy, and hopefully enjoying what you love the most (including this beautiful girl who's eyes match the flowers)! I should take more vacations but I have a tough time doing it.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. We are thankful for Shyla too because you two make such a great pair!

  12. Oh, boy does Ma understand, you guys have a good break! We will miss you terribly, butts have some good stories to share when you come back.
    Ruby ♥

  13. This is a beautiful photo!! Definitely wall-worthy! Shyla has gorgeous eyes! Enjoy your break!

  14. What a beautiful picture of your sweet Shyla.

  15. That is a fantastic photo and you are beautiful. Hugs and nose kisses Mumsy, Chancy and Pooh


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