Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Alpine Vacation Edition

A Glacier Lily - first to bloom after the snow melts

Running through fields of Glacier Lilies at high altitude

A favorite trail that I biked during our trip


  1. How beautiful they are and we hope they have a wonderful fragrance too!

  2. So beautiful. Random question, do you have to deal with ticks
    Lily & Edward

    1. We do have to deal with ticks but usually only briefly in late May and early June - after that, it's too dry for ticks. On average, we probably find 2 on each dog per year. I also find them crawling on me. Yuck!

  3. That last photos almost enables me to 'smell' the clean fresh air of the hills and 'hear' the gravel under my feet on a hike. I must get up there now!

  4. The photos you post never fail to make me say WOW!!!!! These are so gorgeous!

  5. Hari OM
    if i didn't know, then that last shot could be mistaken for Switzerland! YAM xx

  6. Beautiful lillies and very beautiful Shyla!!! That last photo looks like a painting.

  7. The Glacier Lily was a first for me - we encountered meadows of them along with Spring Beauties in the basin at Paradise Divide. That first photo is a stunner - mine didn't get as good.

  8. OMD!!!! How beautifuls! That last photo reminded me of the Sound of Music! BOL!!!
    You look FABulous there Shyla! I hopes you are feelin' betters gurl!
    Ruby ♥

  9. That last shot could be right out of the Sound of Music!

  10. Beautiful. I bet it was a great trip.


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