Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - An Alpine Edition

From our day at 13,000' above sea level!

A high altitude dog smooch!


  1. For the first time Shyla is looking older to me. Makes me feel not so bad about myself being older too. :) Love seeing the picture of you too, KB. Have a great day~ Andrea

    1. Shyla is only five but started going gray at age 1. Our vet says that there was a study of dogs who go gray young (at Colorado State Vet School) - and stress is the common denominator. That part makes me sad although I love her expressive gray eyebrows.

    2. Wow! My goodness! :-( Well, her experience is showing, for sure, but that's ok. We all wear the etchings, on our body, of our life lived. Shyla is beautiful! What is the saying.... "never be ashamed of scars because they show you've battled life and won". Shyla IS a winner!! xoxo

  2. That's a funny catch for the selfie!

  3. Looks like a wonderful place to be. And dog smooches are always good.

  4. Gotta love those high altitude smooches!

  5. We LOVE the Shyla smoochie♥

  6. Wow, beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Great smooch shot - and such a gorgeous day for you two!!!

  8. That looks like a gorgeous day! How fun!

  9. Dog smooches at any altitude are great.

  10. How's the temp? Looks like it might be a lot cooler than here.

    1. It was 39°F at our home elevation the other morning. On top of that mountain in the mid-afternoon, I'm guessing that it was in the low 40's. Yes, it is a lot cooler here than most places in our country in August!

  11. Love it!! We take our smooches wherever we can get them. :)

  12. How beautiful. We hope to go out to CO for nose work and do some hiking while we are there, maybe next year.


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