Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A View of our Autumn-Winter Storm from on High

I had planned to write a post about a long and wonderful mountain bike ride that I did in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado during our extended trip. In late August, I was in the best shape that I've been in for years. I was stronger and had better endurance than anytime that I can remember. For that reason, I had some amazing bike adventures which I still do plan to share with you!

However, I'm in a huge amount of pain from tweaking my spine so I don't want to sit for long enough to write that fun post. My regular doc is out of town. When the doctor covering for him looked at my past MRIs, she concluded that I have a "very messed up spine". Yup, I knew that - I have lots of titanium rods and plates in my lumbar and cervical spine. I'm a big fan of conservative treatment so I'll see my PT tomorrow for gentle work, and I'll take it easy on myself for a while. I don't want any more spine surgery!

In light of these circumstances, I'm going to share footage from an aerial view on Monday morning when there was a small hole of blue sky over top of us. The clouds were swirling around us at our elevation until but there was a view from slightly above them!

The white on the horizon is snow-covered mountains! Yes, it is autumn!

Even the ski area had some snow on the slopes. I doubt that it will last but it shows how early winter starts up high.

The part that I enjoyed most of all was a 360° view, showing the western horizon with snowy mountains and the wall of clouds to the east. You can watch the brief video here or at Youtube.


  1. Hari OM
    POTP for you back... and hooraah for elevation! YAM xx

  2. love the video and the view at 42 seconds is my favorite. I love it when the doctors tell us what we know. as in messed up spine.. hope you can get relief with therapy... and I understand about biking and now you can't. before Irma and the closet floor, I was walking 3 miles with no problem, no knee pain, no back pain, no hip pain. since the closet I have it all. I am slowly rebuilding to where I was. but am thankful I have no titatium in my body. yet.

  3. Thanks for sharing that beauty and we sure hope you feel better super soon.

  4. I hope your physical therapy helps with your back!

    Love Love LOVE these clouds over the mountains!

  5. Sorry to hear you're having such trouble with your back right now. The aerial shots are gorgeous. I've been wondering how much snow the mountains had after this storm.

    1. The snow on the lower mountains appears to be melting fast but the higher mountains still look well covered in snow!

  6. We sure hope you get to feeling much better, since we live wif a man who has had three breaks in his back, we know how painful some days can be...your pictures take our breath away. stella rose

  7. I didn't know you had such a bad back and I hope you will be able to get better without any more surgery. The photos are gorgeous!

  8. Wow! Fantastic photos and video, KB! We hope you get some relief from your back pain soon.

  9. I hope you didn't tweak your back taking that beautiful 360 degree video. Truly magical!

  10. Spectacular scenery. It feels like you were in a plane.

  11. So beautiful - what a view! Take care of yourself and hope you are feeling better soon.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Wow, such beautiful shots! Have you considered getting a standing desk? Mom sure loves hers!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Very smooth video, tripod mounted? Fabulous when the clouds are there, and those tops with snow, your summer seems to be so fleeting. Take care, hottie, merino under garments, and whatever you know works best at times like this. Isn't it funny when the Dr tells us exactly what we know to be so true!!

  14. Sometimes I wish people would think before they speak. Of course, that includes me. But especially health/bodywork practitioners.

  15. We loved the video - and the photos. The things that come out of some people's mouths really make us shake our head sometimes. We hope your regular doctor has some good ideas to help ease the pain.

  16. wow! what a view! Hope the back pain eases for you
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Sorry your spine is such a mess. We take our health for granted until we have issues with it and then we realize how important it is. Just everyday things become so difficult.

  18. We're sorry to hear your back isn't feeling good and will cross our paws that the PT can bring you relief. Those pictures (and video) look like they were taken from a plane. How amazing to be up that high with such beautiful scenery.

  19. Sending power of the paw for your back and hope it feels better soon. The view is pawesome :) Milo & Jet

  20. Haha!!! I should have guessed at the words " Aerial view" that you had a new addition to the cameras. Wonderful.


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