Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 29, 2017

Autumn's Beauty in the Mist and in the Sunshine

Back on the home front, we've been in the midst of a rain and fog pattern that feels as if it has been here forever. At times, we can barely see the colorful trees through the mist and rain.

My riding has been limited by my spine but Shyla and I still get out a bit each day. Usually, we are both soaked to the bone but, occasionally, the clouds part enough to let the trees glow.

Before this weather pattern landed over top of us and stopped moving, I had fun trying to get footage of one of the biggest aspen groves near us. As some of you may have guessed, I have a drone in my possession now. I am almost embarrassed to admit that fact because I feel so strongly about the potential for drones to ruin peoples' outdoor nature experiences. My goal is to use it only at times and places where no one else is around.

It is a challenge to learn to fly it while controlling the camera in such a way that it records smooth footage of nature's beauty. Here was my first attempt over an aspen grove that was just turning gold. I am hoping that the leaves are still on the trees when this awful weather finally departs. I love when this grove turns deep gold.

You can watch the video either here or at Youtube.


  1. Hari OM
    I admit to mixed feelings about drones; in the wrong hands they are an absolute menace - but I know your's to be true! that was breathtaking... YAM xx

  2. Look st that golden light, Autumn seems to be in full swing where you are located! Everything is still pretty green here in New England.

  3. Wow!! What a wonderful job of processing this!!! Love the fluidity and the music...and, of course, the scenery is beyond beautiful!!!

  4. The music simply highlights the breathtaking vistas. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Enjoyed the video. It's interesting to see that perspective.

  6. I have only seen views like this on TV and in the movies. awe inspiring to see all those trees and you did a super job with the drone. have fun.. we watched a movie of a woman taking photos like this and she accidently got a shot of a murder going on and you can guess the rest of the story. LOL... be careful out there. I LOVE the expression on Shylas face

  7. We always enjoy seeing the beauty in your neck of the woods!

  8. Wow - what a spectacular view from way up there!

  9. Understand about the dislike of drones, but maybe you can get some of the people who leave fires, or make messes sometime. The Aspens are lovely.

  10. That is so smooth. Hugh has one too, and flies it at our own place, still learning a lot,He found it really hard to see what it was filming with the reflection on the tablet screen, your views are amazing and you will get a lot of joy with this. Golden leaves as ours are turning green.

  11. WOW we enjoyed watching and think you did wonderful.
    I can't begin to imagine how much fun your going to have this
    winter, bears and cubs and Shyla with R we can't wait.
    We hope your back is doing better.
    xo Astro

  12. Your drone and your control did a great job of sharing your fields of gold - so pretty. Hmmm, will that drone be able to go into the bear's den?:)

  13. You are one of the very few people I would trust with a drone. And you are in a sufficiently isolated area to use one. Our own community has banned them before anyone here actually had one. Our surrounding mountain beauty is so much more easily accessible than yours that I have already been disgusted with some of them spoiling my pristine view. Even if you hike to a waterfall there always seems to be some idjit dive bombing up and down. Then you get back on the Blue Ridge Parkway only to find yourself buzzed by those awful motorcycles we call crotch rockets. They are going far too fast to appreciate any of the mountain beauty and are a danger to other drivers who are following the speed limits.

    I will look forward to more of your drone photographs.

  14. Beautiful job. I cant wait to se emore

  15. Oh, that is sooo cool! I agree the drones can be so annoying in the wrong hands, butts in yours, I thinks you will capture some amazin' stuffs! And I loooooves that pic of you Shyla! such beautiful colors!
    Sorry abouts the dreary weather....since our heatwave is leaving, your weather should be changing soon too!
    Ruby ♥

  16. I agree totally with Yamini! What gorgeous scenery you captured, and you are the only person I would trust to do this. I wonder how the big herd animals will feel about it? Waiting for the next exciting installment, I remain, Jo

  17. You are such a considerate person. Your drone footage is beautiful and I wish all drone owners would put themselves in the shoes of the outdoor enthusiasts on the ground.

  18. That is spectacular. You have shared so much of your surroundings with us but now you have somehow made it even better. Can you do me a favor and buzz Kathy's house just to freak her out.

  19. We like all the seasons and snow, but the one thing my mom really dislikes is rain. We still are out walking in it, but it is not much fun! Hope you dry out soon.


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