Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Back to Colorado - Mountain Swimming for the Labraduo

After the eclipse was over, we decided to cruise back down to Colorado. We would have loved to explore Wyoming more but we heard that the Grand Teton area, which we were most curious to visit, was still crowded with eclipse viewers. We'll go there soon!

It took 2 days but we made it to one of our favorite campsites that sits at the base of a big mountain that still has patches of snow...

And has lakes all around it.
We had an idyllic time there. It was sunny and warm. The mountain biking and running trails were fabulous (more about that later). And the dogs could swim every single day!

I think that swimming is their favorite thing in the world to do! R gets big air whenever he can. No need to worry about his elbow because he lands in water.

And he has a distinctive landing style that he uses every time!

Shyla likes to leap flat like an arrow. It's fast!

I love seeing the Labraduo SO happy!
It is rapidly becoming autumn here so these photos are making me wistful for summertime!


  1. What a fabulous detour to getting home. Wyoming sure is beautiful in the high country. Love that lake photo-looks like glass.

  2. So much happiness along with the beauty today!
    Jakey and Bilbo

  3. Love seeing happy dogs. Sounds like the peeps were just as happy. Such beautiful scenery.

  4. You can just feel the joy those two have being in the water!!!

  5. Great shots catching both dogs in the air. It's interesting how R puts that leg down first when landing in water.

  6. Two very happy and very wet dogs!
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. Don't you just love seeing your dogs so happy? They are gorgeous with their distinctive leaps into the water.

  8. OMD!!!! You guys look like you had the time of your life! I am loving the photos! OMD, they are just idyllic! I can almost feel the warm breeze....oh wait, sorry, I pharted. Ma says I gots to say excuse me. Excuse me. hehehehe
    Ruby ♥

  9. What a great escape, and such a special place to make memories and just have fun!

  10. Nothing makes us labradors happier then a good swim :) Milo & Jet

  11. I love seeing the Duo having so much fun! What a beautiful serene spot for a swim!

  12. Those are two very happy dogs! I love watching them happily leap into the water.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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