Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Our Incredible World

When you spend a lot of time outdoors while camping, you get to see some of the most beautiful things in the world, simply because you are outside and aware.

I saw a shooting star over a mountain range. My camera shutter just happened to open at that instant.

We all got to see a double rainbow with pots of gold on nearby mountains. I still think of K, every time I see something mystical and beautiful like this rainbow.

And we got to see flying Labs!

Our Duo loves nothing more than leaping out over the water and belly flopping as they retrieve tennis balls.
I am grateful for their utter abandon and joy - for it reminds me of how lucky we are!


  1. Hari OM
    We need these reminders in a world dominated by media in all its guises doing its best to pull us down into the depths of depression!!! Oh that star... huggies, YAM xx

  2. Nice capture of a Shooting Star, not to mention "Shooting Dogs." :)
    Box Canyon Mark

  3. Such beautiful shots, KB - all 4 of them!

  4. Great photos! Looks like pawfect "lab results"!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Your photography always leaves us smiling!

  6. Hello KB! I've so loved having time to sit down and catch up on your blog - It's a much needed escape and lift! Your view (and video) of the eclipse are so enviable, as are so many other things that make your life whole and beautiful! :-)

  7. Thank you for sharing these moments of joy. Brightened my day.

  8. Those are all great things to be thankful for. We love seeing those flying labs.

  9. Amazing photos. The flying labs are the best of the bunch! How lucky indeed.

  10. We would love to be your travel companion for just one day

  11. Cool double rainbow shot! Enjoy your beautiful area!

  12. And we are thankful for your terrific stories and photography! Well done.


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