Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 27, 2017

A second autumn

After autumn fled our mountain home, we decided to visit a second autumn in the sunny desert with the Labmobile as our roving home base.

We loved it and so did the Labraduo. Shyla even made peace with her desert boots! Miracles never cease.

As our trip is winding down, I'll sort through my photos to show you autumn colors in the desert - a real treat for me to see!


  1. Your boots look terrific pretty Shyla!

  2. On a morning where the thermometer hovered around 25F, your desert scenes are most welcome.

  3. I can see some wee dots by the Labmobile, but not sure if you were standing right below, Stunning sky high photos, it gives a wonderful view of the tops of those huge rock formations.

  4. You are looking very lively there, Shyla!

  5. That first shot is amazing - such gorgeous rocks. Shyla must know how important those boots are for protecting her feet:)

  6. How wonderful that you can get away to the sunshine. Glad the shoe argument is over.

  7. Shyla is a smart girl to realize she needs the boots!
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. OMD, how amazin'! I hopes you guys had a FABulous time! And your boots are beautiful Shyla!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Sometimes you just have to chase that perfect weather down!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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