Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 6, 2017

Alpine Flowers on Friday

While we were in the San Juan mountains of Colorado, I was so pleasantly surprised by the number of flowers still blooming.

Each day, I'd do a mountain bike ride from our campsite, often to another nearby mountain pass. Look at the golden flowers in the still green grass at an elevation of over 12,000'! This was near the end of the long and steep climb to get to the pass.

I arrived at the top ready for a rest and with time to enjoy the views in all directions.

My favorite view was back toward our campsite. I love the rock face that looks a bit like a layered cake!

I relaxed for a bit taking in the views before I started downhill. It was too windy at the top to stay there for long without getting cold.

My downhill ride took a long time as I stopped to enjoy flowers. I saw a COLUMBINE and one bud so they weren't done blooming yet. 

A wider view of the Columbines along with the other gorgeous wildflowers around them...

A crimson Indian Paintbrush reaching for the sky...

A daisy-like flower... I love the simple elegance of this flower. And I thought of a blogger friend of mine who particularly loves these when I took this photograph.

Then, I glimpsed an amazing purple and crimson combination.
I saw all of these flowers on the descent from that high mountain pass. It took me a long time to make it downhill as I kept noticing the exquisite flowers and stopping for photos.

Finally, the sky started looking heavy and worrisome in the direction of camp so I started riding fast to beat the rain.
I got caught in a hail storm after I had dropped below treeline. I spent about 5 minutes hiding under the canopy of a pine tree as hail bounced off the ground all around me. It's amazing how dry it is under a pine tree bough! The storm passed, and I happily cruised back to camp.

Another day in paradise... with incredible flowers!


  1. Hari OM
    Well it wouldn't have been me in your thoughts, but I surely do love the simplicity of wild flowers - and particularly the 'daisy-likes'!!! YAM xx

  2. The 2nd photo - the one with your bike, looks like you're at the peak of a roof with steep drops on either side. The flowers are just tremendous!

  3. the flowers are beautiful and you are brave to ride down that path, I don't think I could even walk down it.. much less ride. fantastic views..

  4. Wow, absolutely breathtaking!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Those crimson Indian Paint Brushes are exquisite.

  6. Beautiful bright colours, they shine. And under a tree, even here there will be a dry patch, no wonder wild animals and others get shelter when needed.

  7. Thanks for sharing all of natures beauty that you find on your trips.

  8. Nice flowers, but that layer cake looking rock was pretty neat!

  9. It's great to be able to stop to enjoy the gorgeous flowers.

  10. What a wonderful collection of beautiful wildflowers today!

  11. Enduring that hail storm must have been worth it after finding all those beautiful blooms:)

  12. Thanks for stopping to take photos of the gorgeous flowers for us! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. your photos are just so beautiful
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. Yes, another day in paradise!!!
    It sure is nice to get away and enjoy nature.
    You are so kind to share your adventures with us.
    I can't wait to see R & Shyla in the snow this year again.
    Oh and your drone maybe getting a good look inside a den.
    Happy Friday.
    xo Linda and Astro

  15. Love the Columbines, we are at the height of flower season here in South Mississippi

  16. Just what I needed to see on this frosty morning. It warmed me up.

    1. Winter is closing in, isn't it? We have 8-12" of snow forecasted for Sunday-Monday. I'm not ready. (Is that a hashtag? If not, it should be!).


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