Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Black Dog Sunday

R is now on strict rest to heal some strained muscles and to give his elbow a break. It's fun looking back at how incredibly strong he was in the desert.

As always, his spirit was like a force of nature. Although Shyla is a lot faster than him by this point in life, his insane enthusiasm always causes her to back off and let him have the spotlight.

After trying unsuccessfully to build up Shyla's confidence to run with him, I finally just let him sprint around on his own. Sometimes it's best to simply enjoy R's spirit.

His crazy ears are a Black Dog hallmark!

So is his funny habit of coming within inches of bowling me over as I snap photos.
R's spirit is not lagging at all, although he's disappointed every time someone goes out running or biking without him. He probably has another half week of rest, and then he'll be freed to run again, assuming that he's healed well.

He's also been banned from his elbow exercises, which both of us have come to love. I'm looking forward to getting my daily dose of R again when we restart his PT. Unfortunately, a little later in the month, he has to have some dental work done and an abdominal ultrasound. We don't expect the ultrasound to show anything serious but he had an odd bloodwork result earlier this month that caused our vet to want to take a look at his insides - just to be safe.

It's a big month for R. Let's hope that he's back to full strength and able to do all the things that he loves very soon!


  1. Praying R will be back to himself soon. I love the last shot, he is so happy to be running.

  2. He is so full of joy and I love his ears. POTP for a speedy recovery.

  3. Hari OM
    Keeping up the POTP for you R, my boy!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. I certainly wish R well with his healing and upcoming vet visit. He's such a beautiful boy. I had surgery again on my elbow and just finished my "official" PT - but still have to work on it at home. I'm not as disciplined as R though - maybe if someone gave me treats for doing my exercises I'd enjoy them more :D

  5. From our blustery place in Virginia, I'm sending good vibes for R that he'll be out enjoying the outside very soon - And we will get to enjoy your great photos of him!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  6. He is such a great guy. I hope all the upcoming vet stuff just fine.

  7. He is such a happy boy!! Lots of POTP all his tests are routine and he is back running and jumping real soon!

  8. Hoping the rest will let R get back to his normal PT and more.And the dental and other tests go well.He is the master of " Ear Craziness"!!!

  9. Love some ear flippage! Rest well R!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Sending positive thoughts for R. I do love his enthusiasm.

  11. We will be hoping the same for R! He definitely looks like a dog who does not want to slow down. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. How can you convince a dog to rest? How do you do that?
    I hope R will fully recover. Dental work doesn't sound like fun, and hopefully that abdominal ultrasound won't turn up anything worrisome.

  13. R always looks like he is having such a good time, even in the videos doing his exercises. We hope his teeth cleaning and tests go very well for him.

  14. Pug paws crossed that all is well for R.
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Love watching your boy fly!

    Prayers that all goes well concerning R and his vet visits.

  16. We love seeing you enjoying your romp R!

  17. Oh R, you are the bestest runner! (you too Shyla, butts lookie at those ears! gotta give it to him! BOL!)
    I hopes you don't go toooo crazy resting, butts just think how good it will be when you can gets back to your usual romping! Sendin' lots of POTP!
    Ruby ♥


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