Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 10, 2017

Shyla's Mesa

We tried to schedule our time in Utah to be when no one else was on vacation. Little did we know that Utah public schools all have a fall break in October - it's a 4 day weekend which fell smack in the middle of our vacation. When we heard that news, we headed for the most remote spot that we knew of for the fall break weekend.

It's in rough terrain pocked with canyons and spires. I tend to head upward when I have a choice. I like high views. This was a very high view from above our campsite. My favorite trail in the area is below the spiky ridge.

During one ride along that trail, I peered down at our campsite which sat in the the mouth of a very big canyon that flows down to the right in the photo. Our LabMobile is a white speck.
As you can see, we managed to find a campsite with solitude. There did end up being more traffic on that dirt road than we'd ever seen before but that still was just a handful of vehicles per day.

This spot has a mesa near it that we've named "Shyla's Mesa". I love photographing her and her brother sprinting along the top of the mesa.

It's a super happy place for us, where we've accumulated many good memories.

It was the first time we'd ever been there in autumn. We were not disappointed. There were gorgeous golden Cottonwood trees in every wash.
I'm so glad that we finally made it to the desert in autumn. It was wonderful to have a second autumn in the land of red rock!


  1. Hari OM
    Ah, I perceive that, like myself, you are less than fond of the chaotic randomness that is school holidays... good to have a bolt-hole!!! YAM xx

  2. Such a gorgoue cottonwood with the beautiful blue sky behind it...and those pictures of Shyla definitely portrait how much fun you all had!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. Hugh also likes camping places where there is no-one else for at least 10 miles!!! Beautiful views, and those shadows from huge rocks as you look down to the van way below, gives an idea of the vastness and height, I would be scared to bike those skinny trails in case I slid off!!!

  4. Oh yes, UEA. I will say, when my kids were in school we always headed to the desert for UEA. But ya, I would check the calendar now if I was planning a trip.

  5. How beautiful! All the kids in MN also have a four day weekend every October, something about teachers conventions. Glad you found a quiet place.

  6. Nice that you found a good place to get away - and beautiful too
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. What a beautiful place for a quiet getaway!!! And with Shyla's Mesa, you are forming some wonderful memories.

  8. What a beautiful place for a quiet getaway!!! And with Shyla's Mesa, you are forming some wonderful memories.

  9. It looks like a wonderful getaway spot!

  10. Wow - it is just stunning and HUGE!

  11. How lucky to find such a remote spot! That's exactly how I would want it too.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. That beautiful blue sky and the red soil. What a beautiful combo.

  13. Ohhh yes!! Shyla's mesa!
    ohh the tree!


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