Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 11, 2017

A bull moose pair has a small fight

In last week's wildlife post, I showed you a pair of bull moose who visited a water/ice hole together.

My trail cameras have shown that they've been traveling together for about a month. At most cams, I get a simple video clip of the two walking single file past the cam.

One video clip was different. The larger bull moose appeared to be aggressive toward the smaller one - perhaps exerting his dominance in their relationship. Then, they were briefly apart, according my trail cams. However, just a short time later the pair was walking together again.

It's so interesting to get these glimpses into the lives of animals who we can't observe behaving normally in person. When people are around, the moose focus on the people so they don't behave "normally" at all. That's the beauty of trail cam footage!

The video is at youtube but you can watch it here if you prefer.

Happy Wildlife Monday!


  1. i am thankful you post your cams of normal behavior because they are animals i would never see if you did not. these two mus enjoy each other MOST of the time. they are so amazing to me, so ugly they are beautiful. thanks for the comment on Jakes story. he is our heart dog, he holds a piece of our heart in his. so very smart, he is like a person... and is our shadow when we move about.

  2. Moose are funny animals. Sometimes it seems to me, the larger bulls do this to teach the young ones how to fight. I have seen them them just gently sparring with small bulls.

  3. It really is amazing to see them in their own way.

  4. I guess animals are a bit like people and don't always get along. It's pretty cool, all the stuff you capture with the cameras.

  5. It is a privilege to be able to see their natural interactions.

  6. It must have just been a small tiff☺ They are so funny!

  7. Sending hugs and prayers and purrs to you and R....
    Hugs madi and MOm

  8. I love their eyes. Such depth. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to observe them through your TrailCam lens, KB. xxx

  9. I've been sick and not visiting any blogs for a while. Coming to see you and the dogs, I just had to go back to read all I missed. And it really became more of to see all that I missed. Such gorgeous photos, lovely Shyla, such a cute puppy, fabulous moose, and most of all the reminder that dogs dogs do teach us many lessons, but living in the now may well be the best one of all. I'm keeping you and R in my thoughts.

  10. We too learn so much from your trail cams. We hope you, R, and Shyla are all doing well.

  11. I come to your blog to be amazed and I am seldom disappointed

  12. It's almost like they both wanted to be the only onle on camera :-). Such beautiful creatures, thank you for giving us a peak into their day to day lives!


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