Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Be Present and Notice the Beauty

This is a time of year when I am always feeling tired. I get up very early to catch the sunrise (always so worth it!) even if it's cloudy like in this photo.
It's a time of year when getting "my time" outside with Shyla is so important to my happiness but also contributes to the fatigue that hits every year in mid-winter. I think that being outside for hours when it's 8°F is much more tiring than when it's warmer.

Nonetheless, we keep on playing in the snow every day! We were out while it was actually snowing the other day. Perfect snowflakes were landing on Shyla's fur.

And then, this morning, we had a layer of light fluffy snow covering everything in the forest. It makes the world look so fresh and clean, especially when we go out to play before anyone else has been out.
Our world is so beautiful. I just have to push aside all the small things that weigh me down, immerse myself in the moment, and notice the beauty that is surrounding me.

I hope that you're enjoying these days leading up the holidays.


  1. It can be so easy to overlook all the beauty that is around us. The holidays aren't a big thing for us, but I look forward to 4 days off.

  2. When I was working in an office and getting there before daylight and then getting home after dark, this time of year used to depress me so much. The lack of daylight was so oppressive. Now that I am not working and getting into the sunlight mid-day, I have noticed that the short days are no longer bothering me. Of course, the lack of a paycheck is a whole different thing! LOL!

  3. I haven't quite gotten accustomed to the cold weather yet, but try to spend time outside every day with both the horses and the dogs. It's harder during the work week - I have barely an hour outside before it gets dark.

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  4. The sunrise colors are just STUNNING and that snowflake in your fur is so beautiful, Shyla!

  5. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and also blessings on all of you and all those critters that live in your world.. Merry Christmas to the bears and lions and moose i love to see. even the bobcat.

  6. Hari OM
    An important reminder! That snowflake is outstanding as an example for 'here, now'. Blessings and Love for the season to you, up there on high &*> YAM xx

  7. Love that snowflake. Being in that kind of cold would be tiring. I thinks it's the hibernation effect.

  8. We absolutely love the cold and snow and are out much more than in warmer months. Mom's business has slowed down, so we've been doing lots of fun stuff together outdoors and loving it. Cold does wear one out, but we all sleep like rocks at night. Enjoy what you are given :)

  9. Shorter daylight is sometimes hard to accept, but from now on you might get a tiny smidgeon more each day of the precious sunlight. Shyla looks amazed at something in the distance, and her own snowflake, what a macro shot?? Guess it was with a macro lens. Or close and cropped, perfect focus, and it shows a flake in perfect formation. Down here, we have passed summer solstice, the days are so hot, nights too, we long for more rain.

  10. A glorious sunrise is so uplifting and a great way to start the day...

  11. Santo e feliz Natal para si e sua família.

  12. Very cool macro flake shot!

    Happy Merry Everything!

    Murphy & Stanley & Pawrents

  13. That snowflake photo is incredible! Such a beautiful display of nature.

  14. Amazing photo of the snowflake! We have been snowing for a few hours now and just easing off.
    Definitely a white Christmas here
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Oh my, that snowflake photo is amazing!! Luke and I went out for a walk the other morning during a snowstorm and it was so amazing. But his paws can't take the cold if it gets much under 20 degrees, so we couldn't stay out there as long as I would have liked to.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Beautiful, beautiful photos and I agree, that snowflake is magical!

  17. That is the most perfect picture of a snowflake I have ever seen

  18. OMD, I have never, and I means NEVER seen a true snowflake pic like that befores! That is just beautifuls! I hopes you guys are having a FABulous Christmas, and, yes, live life in the moment...it's a good motto.
    Ruby ♥

  19. Guess what? We got SNOW overnight - just an inch but the pups are in heaven. Timber doesn't know what to make of it and just keeps eating it:)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Woos - Lightning, MIsty, and Timber, and Mom too


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