Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Silly Saturday

I need some silliness after the week that we've had and knowing that R's insides will be scanned again on Monday.

Shyla and I had tons of fun playing games with treats this week because she couldn't run much. She gets so intense about snagging them out of the air that she makes silly faces! She also moves so fast that she sometimes is too fast for my shutter.

Although I tend to show you the bloopers when she misses, she's become quite good at this game. She keeps her eyes on the treat.

And knows when to open her mouth to snag it.

Here's the anatomy of a flawless snarf. She had her eyes on the treat before it was even close to her.

Then, she opened her mouth so wide that I can't imagine that she could still see the treat.

Finally, she snarfed it. She moved her jaws and head so fast and hard that her head looked oddly flattened after she had the treat in her mouth.
What a funny look on her face and in her eyes. She looks almost smug!

Way to go, Shyla!


  1. Hari OM
    What beautifurs shots these are - I LOLd at the first 'anatomy' shot! I am a bit in awe of your ability to record each moment like this... YAM xx

    1. pee ess - sending heaps of POTP your way for darling R...

    2. Thank you. A big day is approaching on Monday when our regular vet will re-ultrasound his adrenal tumor. If it's grown in this relatively short time, it will be bad news. We are trying to focus on the positive, which is that R is feeling very good right now!

  2. Your girl has skills!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. thank you for my first laugh out loud moment of the morning. i have been fighting computer problems. those last 3 faces are PRICELESS.

  4. I love Shyla's intense(and silly at the same time) way of looking at the incoming treat!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  5. hoping for all to be OK on Monday, ultrasound good, and roads free of snow and ice. Shyla is so fast with her treats!!!

  6. Shyla is too much! I will smile for the rest of the day. I will be thinking of you and R on Monday.

  7. She's a champion at the treat catch. The scotties here are hopeless. Paws crossed for Monday.

  8. You are a great snagger, Shyla, and you're making us laugh!

  9. Mabel has gotten good at catching a soft toy!
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. We are amazed at how good your photography skills are to be able to snag those silly shots:) We hope Monday's visit shows no increase in size for R. We will be thinking about and R and sending lots of POTP.

  11. That Shyla really does have some funny faces!! I wonder if she knows she makes you laugh!!?

  12. Oh my gosh, I love her expressions! I need to try this with Luke.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. It's a wonder they even taste treats when they are that intent on getting them. 🤣


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