Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Don't Worry about "Udders"

We've had some worries in our family recently. The kennel cough will heal but we worry about more serious things with our black dog.

I am so thankful that we try to seize the days of good health and beauty to have as much fun as we can with our Labraduo.

This was at my favorite campsite in the world in August. R looked magnificent with a rainbow behind him.

Shyla looked gorgeous too under the same rainbow.
That was such a wonderful day. I'd just done a long point-to-point ride to meet the pack at one of our favorite places on Earth. It's remote, very high (11,200'), and has stunning views. Most people would choose someplace less extreme as their favorite place but not us!

As a post-ride snack, I had a yogurt. I thought that the saying on the top fit us perfectly!
It made me laugh - we definitely live exactly as we choose, regardless of what "udders" think. I am so thankful for the good year that our pack had together!


  1. We are so Thankful you share your
    Colorado adventures, wildlife, and Duo.

  2. Great shots of those two. Ya, we pretty don't care about udders either. Lol

  3. Beautiful photos and that yogurt is utterly cute! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Beautiful photos and we love the saying on the top of your yogurt!

  5. Hari Om
    What a fab-you-lush post today! Was interested to read your yoghurt is by (or from) 'Noosa'. There is a place in OZ called that, but surely the curd didn't fly all the way from down under to be up high?! YAM xx

  6. Oh! I am a Noosa fan too! Spectacular pictures!

  7. Yohgurt from Noosa, Australia??? Love that label, and the duo flying in the sunshine. Take each day as it is, with love and appreciation for that beautiful place where you live. Thanks for all the views, stories and scenes from Co. As always, they are amazing, and as we share and care for you all, thinking of R in the coming weeks with more love than usual. XXX

  8. Living exactly as you choose! Now that's a good philosophy for everyone to take into 2018 and beyond! Thinking about you all, KB, and wishing gentleness with whatever comes your way. xxx

  9. Love the saying as well....udders. We wish everyone could have your philosophy...so much better for them, and consequently the world.

  10. Yes, we have to hold on to the good times!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Keep those good memories going. It is the good memories that shine the brightest

  12. Beautiful R and Shyla!!! We are hoping for the best for R.

  13. Beautiful photos of R and Shyla,, with the beautiful rainbow!

  14. Especially these days you need to only worry about you and your situation. Others always want to get into your head and business, but don't let them. Good advice.


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