Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Favorite Photos of our Labs

My Wednesday was consumed by finally finishing my photo calendars for 2018. Would one of you (or more) tell me to start earlier next year, please? I am a master procrastinator.

As I went through my photo archives, a few photos of our Labs stood out as among my very favorites.

Our Black Dog looking so fit and healthy during a desert trip...

A winter sunrise with Shyla...

The Labraduo in the sunset light... I didn't pose them for this. In fact, I doubt that I could convince them to stand like this if I tried. However, they chose to stand cheek-to-cheek one afternoon, and I snapped the shutter at the right time!
I love this pair!

I am so thankful to be finished with making this calendar!!!!!! Is that okay for "Thankful Thursday"?


  1. Beautiful photos! Your calendar will be a winner, KB!

  2. Hari OM
    Yes it is. The 'couple' shot is adorable. As for next year... set up your template and at the end of each month, pick the winner/s then save it. Cuts the work into twelve manageable chunks! YAM xx

    1. You are SO right. Thanks for your wise suggestion!

  3. Cheek to Cheek
    Oh my goodness I could
    look at this all day everyday.
    Best picture of 2017!!!

  4. Your duo are so beautiful, what a bond they have.


  5. That last shot is our favorite too! Momma loves getting quick snatches of me and Jessie being lovey.

  6. I love this pair to even though i have never met them. it really does look like they posed for the camera. i agree with Astro that it is the best photo of the year

  7. So thankful to have come across your blog this year. Thank you for the incredible photos of flora and fauna. Am looking forward to more pawsome adventures in 2018. All the best.
    • ˚ •˛•˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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    •。★Holidays!★ 。* • ˚。
    ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π______*。*˚
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  8. That last picture is amazing. It is perfect in so many ways. I wish I could get one like that of Millie & Walter but like your picture I could never pose them like that. I will have to hope for a chance snap some day.

  9. The perfect photo without posing....that's incredible!

  10. Those are all outstanding! I especially love the one of Shyla and R together!

  11. That last photo was wonderful! We liked R's 3 legs up pose too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Yup, I'd be thankful for that too! I'd give you a kick in the butt, but I'm a procrastinator myself, and have my best focus at the last minute. :)
    That last photo is priceless!!

  13. That should be a fantastic calendar. If your made it available to the public I am sure you would have buyers

  14. Love the duo pic. I have a few of those odd moments of closeness with our dogs, that I actually got a shot of too.

    Love all your pictures. Should be a great calendar!

  15. We always do ours in November. It is hard to make decisions, but we try to choose a theme which helps narrow down the photos. Your calendar will be beautiful.

  16. Every one of these photos,,, we just love!


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