Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Boundless Thankful Thursday

I have so much to be thankful for this week. It's been a jarringly stressful week, after getting that phone call saying "Dad had a heart attack". I'll skip the details but I am very aware that we are lucky that he is alive.

Even though we live a fair distance from the hospital, we came home each evening to be with our dogs and then spend time with them out in our winter wonderland each evening. And, when my spine couldn't handle even one more trip into the big city, the Runner uncomplainingly covered for me, leaving me to rest at home. I am lucky.
Our furry Labraduo is so comforting. Thank goodness for having the time to sit in a warm sun puddle and bury my face in Shyla's fur.


  1. Hope your Dad is improving and your back feels better!

  2. Hari OM
    Keeping up with POTP - and wishing I could share a Shyla cuddle with you! YAM xx

  3. God bless your hubby for letting you stay home, riding is so awful for back problems. a warm Shyla cuddle is just what the doctor would order for you. prayers for your dad. my son Daniel, age 50 is in hospital, we are waiting to hear if stroke or heart attack, his left side of face went numb and left arm tingles and he was admitted yesterday, waiting to get mri and echo today.

  4. I hope everyone, including you, feel better and continue to heal. Good hubby's are a wonderful thing to have.

  5. We all are very thankful your Dad is doing okay now.

  6. It's always good to come home to our pups. They are a great comfort during stressful times.

  7. When there is a family emergency, Mom always loves to come home to our joy and cuddling. It makes the world seem so much better. We are true stress relievers!

  8. Mom buries her face in my furs too and it's a huge comfort to her. We are so happy that your dad is improving, KB!

  9. How we can be so thankful the future is not seen beforehand. Cuddles, Runner filling in, showy days, and comforting bodies, I am so glad your Dad is doing OK. Distance , even when just 5 minutes away, can seem way too far. XXX

  10. Sometimes taking things a day at a time is the best thing. We hope your dad can do some cardiac rehab and be around for many. many years!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Everything is a bit easier when you have such sweetness and comfort to come home to (or stay with when needed).
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. I hope your burden has been eased. Prayers for your Dad, and for you

  13. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Sending oodles of poodles healing thoughts to you and your dad and hoping he makes a full recovery. Take good care.


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