Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Sunrise Saturday

We had a glorious sunrise on Friday morning. To my delight, the wind was just barely slow enough to let me get aerial photos.

I was hoping for a sunrise like this on New Year's Day, as a great start to the year. Alas, I had to wait a few days after 2018 dawned.

I could spin around and look at the alpenglow and the moon. Ah, I love our home so much! The mountains never cease to awe me.

I made a brief video of a 360 degree view of the sky during sunrise. As usual, the wind picked up as soon as the sun came above the horizon so I had to work fast! However, I managed to get my 360 degree view and get down safely.

Enjoy a "moment of Zen" by watching it here or at Youtube.


  1. your views are amazing. if we were younger we might move somewhere like this. i just love life through your camera lens. for our age, which is 73 and 81, we love where we live. we love Florida and our home is under 2 miles from everything we need, hospitals, doc office, eye doc, Walmart, we never have to go more than a five minute drive, which is perfect but to have all this we have to put up with PEOPLE... rather have your views and tress and mountains. but ware are under 2 miles to several nature preserves

    1. It sounds like where you live is perfect for you. The mild climate must be wonderful too (except when iguanas fall out of trees and hit you on the head ;) I'm glad that I can give you a chance to see my world - you can experience alpenglow without the freezing temperatures and hurricane force winds. I do miss the ocean... but I love the mountains enough to make up for it.

  2. I could stare at that view all day. Especially on a good sunrise morning.

  3. The view and the colors are just magnificent!

  4. Aw, what beautiful sights!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. That quiet early morning time is perfect for the drone, and what a view, those magical moments of such deep colours, stunningly beautiful.

  6. Well, it was worth the wait! Glorious and still a good start to the year.

  7. So beautiful!! Both the colors and the cloud formations are wonderful! Have I mentioned how happy I am you have a drone ;-)!

  8. The best thing is knowing there will be many, many more beautiful sunrises to come!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Amazing!!! How nice to be able to start the day with such beauty!!!

  10. Thank you for sharing the beauty that surrounds you

  11. What a gorgeous sunrise! I see that you don't have much snow - isn't that quite unusual for this time of year? I guess the snow is somewhere else in the country.
    Have a happy and healthy 2018, KB, with many more breath taking sunrises and much joy with your lovely dogs.

    1. We are having our driest winter in 60 years. We will be in very big trouble in fire season if snow doesn't start falling soon. Happy New Year to you too - may happiness and good health dominate the year for you.

  12. Better late than never. 😊 Such a beautiful sunrise!

  13. Thank you for taking the time to share your beautiful world with us KB! It is just spectacular!

  14. Superb video, so glad you managed to make it even if not when planned. The stack of lenticulars near the end are great.


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