Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Our Black Dog

We spent a long day with our black dog at our state's top veterinary teaching hospital on Wednesday. We are all exhausted.

You might remember that he has two masses in his abdomen that our vet wanted checked out. We got the immediate news that a needle aspirate of his spleen showed no cancer cells! We'll still have to keep an eye on his spleen with regular ultrasounds but we're planning to stop worrying about it.

We must wait for the last test results to come back before we'll know whether the adrenal mass is suspicious or not. So far, the vets seem optimistic about it.
 We are so thankful for the results that we have so far. I've had a surprising calm about this episode because I have a strong feeling that R will be okay. After losing K at a relatively young age, I've tended to freak out about small things with our dogs. So, this optimistic calm is a welcome change.


  1. Hari OM
    Breathing a bit easier for you... but still sending POTP. YAM xx

  2. This is great news for your spleen, R. We are still keeping paws and fingers crossed and sending you lots of AireZen and positive vibes!

  3. so glad to hear this good news, i love that 3rd shot of R. so beautiful and prayers and hugs for the rest of the test to come back negative.

  4. Grreat news on the spleen! We'll keep our paws crossed on the other one, but we agree with you that R is going to be just fine!

  5. Excellent news!!! Three cheers for good news and lots of hope for very bright future for R!!!

  6. Whew! One down, and hoping for good news on the adrenal tests.

    I'm celebrating the beginning of your tenth (!) year of blogging, by reading your 2009 posts. So very fun to meet R as a rambunctious adolescent, as well as dear S and your beloved K. You are a wonderful writer and photographer. Thank you for sharing your amazing high-in-the-Rockies world with all of us flatlanders!

    Chris from Boise

  7. The very best gift of all for the New Year. Calm, optimistic, you are a trooper in this situation .R looks so well, flying high with ease, and grace.

  8. Well, in your defense, this isn't a small thing! However, I, too, have a feeling R is going to be okay :) A nice start to the year...

  9. Bright news for you all I know. R is simply gorgeous and looks glorious in his action shots.
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. That is AWESOME news about the mass on his spleen!!!! We will continue to pray that the adrenal mass is also one of those "just monitor" things!! So happy for you. <3

  11. This is great news and we will keep paws crossed that the other mass is nothing to worry about
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. We hope the good news holds out! Great to hear!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. That is great news for R. We will keep our paws crossed the the news continues to be good.

  14. That is fantastic news. Now we will pray that the adrenal mass is not cancerous. Enjoy your magical R man. He is certainly enjoying life.

  15. This news is making us so happy....! I know how exhaugsted you all must be! We are keeping positive thoughts going that the other test will be okay too! We love R,, we love Shyla,, and we love you and runner

  16. Oh my, that's sure wonderful and something to be thankful for indeed! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  17. That is very good news! We'll continue to keep our paws crossed on the adrenal mass but feel very optimistic for you guys. 😍

  18. So glad the news on the test was positive and hoping the news on the adrenal mass is very good too. You are such an incredible guardian for both of you pups-well done on exiting the crowd with Shyla. I know you are enjoying a beautiful day up in the mountains.
    Hugs, Noreen

  19. That is great news! We will continue to think good thoughts for R, and we are so glad you are feeling optimistic. ♥

  20. Keeping everything crossed that the good news keeps coming.


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