Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Sunrise in Snow Dust

Shyla takes off at sunrise

Meadow floor covered in ice crystals
The second photo is my Dogwood Week 3 Challenge photo - the challenge was to use either aperture or shutter speed to enhance my creative intent. In this case, I used a wide open aperture (very low f number: f/2.0) to make a single blade of grass covered in frost stand out from the forest of grass blades on the meadow floor.

I used a similar technique for the first photo. I used a wide aperture (f/2.5) so that Shyla would be in focus while the forest behind her was not.


  1. Hari Om
    I used to know all that stuff by heart... the digital age has dulled the memory! These are lovely examples for the practice! YAM xx

  2. Beautiful photos! Have fun in your snow, Shyla!

  3. Beautiful photos and an always beautiful Shyla!

  4. Those are perfect. I really like the detail in that second shot of the frosty grass.

  5. Love the icy shot and the tips on how you did it!

  6. wow on the ice crystals, so beautiful and something i don't ever see here

  7. We don't understand all that photo-taking jargon, but we do know those are two wonderful photos. The capture of the ice crystals is superb!

  8. Ice Crystals are perfect,and Shyla glows as always.

  9. Love both photos. My older Grands are taking an interest in photography now. They also like editing ☺️☺️😍.

  10. Oh dear friends you should be in NC it has been snowing since 9 am...and continues to do so. Expecting 2-5" A LOT for us. Sometimes we don't get 5" in an entire winter. AnyWAYS it is gonna freeze over tonight and be quite messy tomorrow. We 3 seniors are hunkered down. Good news it is will be in the 60's this weekend
    Hugs madi

  11. Nice job! Both photos came out so nice - and are great examples of what opening up your aperture will do!

  12. Beautiful!! I can only imagine the shutter speed to catch Shyla in mid-leap with your aperture so low :-)

  13. Great photos! I love the lighting.

    A little off-topic but I saw a bike on on Facebook with a ski attached to the front and thought of you with your fat bike! http://www.thisisgoodgood.com/fat-bike-skis-ride-snow-like-youve-imagined/

  14. We love photos of ice crystals, it is such a beautiful display of nature.

  15. Depth of field photos are some of my favorites....great job with these!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Your photography is awesome!
    We love the ice crystals too.

  17. Beautiful! The colours are incredible! 😊


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