Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 23, 2018

Discouraged but I'll Bounce Back

I would have to say that 2018 hasn't gotten off to a stunningly great start . Yes, Shyla, I agree with that little tongue you have stuck out.

My knee is still ailing. I initially thought that the MRI results were good news, and I'm now learning that they are not so good. The happy news is that my ACL and other ligaments are intact.

The bad news is I have an exceedingly angry bone bruise and possible "occult fracture" in the part of the tibia (shin bone) that meets the femur (thigh bone) in my knee. Essentially, my femur crashed into my tibia so hard that it left an imprinted bruise on the top of my tibia. When the knee and calf swell to the extent that mine have (and remain swollen for 2 weeks), there's often an invisible fracture too so they tend to treat it as if there is a small fracture.

When I read the MRI results, I thought "Great, a bone bruise. It'll just heal on its own.". Hmm, after some consultations, I'm learning that it's not so simple. It can take 6-9 months to heal. I won't even tell you the measures that they talked about to help it heal. It's crazy, all due to one awkward landing.

The bottom line that this is a very serious thing. It may still be hurting at the start of NEXT winter! I'll be darned if it's going to stop me from having spring-summer-fall adventures! No way.

Tonight is my time to be discouraged, and then tomorrow I'll get up and seize the day. That's my style, no matter what anyone says. I get to play with this amazing dog tomorrow morning!
R has lived with elbow pain for his entire life due to congenital elbow dysplasia, yet he gallops with a frenzied joy unmatched by anyone I know.

Within reason, I plan to follow his example. I may not be able to mimic his happy (and very loud) joyful barking but I will look for the joy in life, just like he does.


  1. Hari OM
    Ouch. It explains why you have been able to ride the bike without too much trouble though. No doubt you will find your way to adapt. As a homoeopathic physician, I immediately think of Symphytum (comfrey aka "knitbone") to spead the healing process, and Arnica (in ointment) to apply for muscle ease and attend bruising... just thinking aloud... (msg me if interested in detail). YAM xx

  2. go ahead bark away and record it for us.. so very sorry to hear this about your knee. I am thinking you might have to give up bike riding to let it heal. i had a bone bruise on my heal years ago that hurt like crazy, yours i can't even imagine... prayers for healing and for comfort while you heal.. i have Arthur in my right knee and can't ride a bike, it hurts to bad. a stationary bike i mean. i am rambling. just close with hugs and hope you feel better in heart and soul today

  3. Hopefully your knee will heal quicker than expected and we know you will bounce back with gusto!

  4. we hope that from now on only good things will come to you... you are a trooper and we often wish we would be as brave as you...and Shyla... and R

  5. Dang, not good, but way better than surgery. Does a knee brace help? And I think barking on occasion is totally OK.

  6. Bone bruises hurt. Bark away, KB!

  7. Sharing with us the pain, the news, I hope that you know we all care so VERY much, and next will be your way to cope and bounce up again like R and Shyla do.Heaps of love from a long way further south, where the daylight is longer and the mornings a lot cooler.XXX

  8. So sorry to hear this latest diagnosis. Good luck with mending. I say enjoying life is the best medicine and I'm sure you'll savor a double dose of that. Happy trails.

  9. A bone bruise. That's a new one for us. We think your philosophy is the best one....hopefully, it'll heal quickly.

  10. Well, that does not sound like much fun. But knowing you, you will "carpe diem" every day until you are 100% . Just take care and don't overdo. We will be thinking about you.

  11. You have the right attitude. It took Mom two weeks to overcome the realization she broke her ankle. Life changes, but she refused to let it stop her. She was still out there, but much slower with the boot on. You will get through this. Healing thoughts to you.

  12. KB, I'm so sorry to hear this news, but I know that you will seize every minute of the day to live joyfully. Sending big hugs your way.

  13. So sorry this happened to you. I hope you heal faster then you are being told.
    I might have something similar going on due to falling through ice into shoreline lake water. I have not gone to see a doctor yet.

  14. Oh this sounds painful. paws crossed for healing!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Really sorry that this is turning out to be along-term annoyance. It is amazing, though, how well the body learns to cope with such things, and you WILL bounce back!

  16. I don't doubt it at all - I limped for a solid 6 months with just a bad ankle sprain! But you will get through it, especially with the duo to help you :)

  17. Knowledge is power, KB. I so wish this hadn't happened to you, but it has, dagnab it! Therefore it's good to know what you're dealing with, especially if healing will be a marathon, not a sprint. Your indomitable spirit will surmount this too. Just keep a steady pace and your chin up (fine to feel woeful at times, of course), which you already know how to do. Thank goodness for the Duo and the Runner to cheer you on!

    Chris from Boise

  18. Oh KB, that is awful! Of course were sending some healing magic bubbles for you! You will figure out a way to heal yourself,,, we just know it!

  19. Ugh, I'm so sorry you got that bad news. You don't strike me as the type of person who wants to slow down for anything! :) Hopefully you can find a balance between still getting out, but taking care of yourself like you need to in order to heal as well.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. Yikes that is a very nasty injury. Wishing you the best for a full and quick (quicker than they say) recovery. Good for you getting out there again.


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