Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Frosty Day in Every Way

We got a very intense snowstorm on Friday evening which dropped about 8" of snow on us in a few hours. I would have loved it except that the snow was followed by intense winds faster than 60 mph. That meant that the fresh powder was flying through the air and freezing me and Shyla when we tried to go out to play on Saturday.
It stuck to Shyla's fur and obviously bothered her eyes, based on the closed right eye in that photo. The wind was coming from her right.

For me, the wind whipped snow into my face, leaving me absolutely freezing and uncomfortable. No matter what I did with a balaclava and a neck gaiter, the wind driven snow seemed to find cracks in my defenses.

While the wind put a damper on my mood, we still managed to have some fun in the snow filled world.

I'm glad that Shyla wasn't airborne during one of the high speed wind gusts or she might have blown away!

Shyla's love of leaping never ceases to amaze me. She especially loves to do it when there's fresh snow... perhaps because it softens the landing. She gets serious air!

I took one more photo before I lost all feeling in my fingers. You can see the wind picking up the snow from the ground to transport it eastward. There's a chance that someone who lives to the east of us will have all our snow by tomorrow morning!

After heading home, I spent the majority of the day in a recliner with a circulating ice bath cooling my knee. It's still very swollen so this is the new strategy for trying to get my knee back toward normal. Given the freezing experience outside, I was not eager to subject myself to more cold... but a roaring fire built by the Runner has made all the difference.

Yes, it's been a frosty day in every way!


  1. i have an idea, sit down in the snow and bury your knee under snow???? ultimate ice pack. LOL... I love the Nice ICE dog pics. i can't imagine 60 mph wind with snow, when it is 60 here it blows sand and it stings like fire... i prefer my breezes below 25. hope you feel better today

  2. Hari OM
    WWWHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... having a fabulous time there Shyla! Makes for quite different and dramatic shots, KB! Sending POTP in a continuing stream... YAM xx

  3. Shyla sure was having a blast! I hope the knee feels better soon.

  4. Hopefully, we are the ones who live east of you so your snow will blow here! I hope your knee feels better soon, KB.

  5. Love it when Shyla 'catches' air. Hope your knee starts to respond positively to the treatment. Do you use any essential oils for the pain? Helichrysum (for pain) and copaiba (anti-inflammatory) make a big difference for my rotator pain. Feel better.

  6. We're not fond of the wind! Hope it dies down and you can just enjoy the snow.

  7. No snow arrived here. But we did finally get some sun. Frozen mud:) Hope the ice bath helps. Thanks to the Runner for that fire.

  8. Gosh that was some fierce wind with the snow 60 mph is tropical storm wind here on the east coast.
    We thank you and Shyla for the lovely photos in spite of the cold.
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. I am so envious of your snow - What great fun! But you can keep the brutal wind!

    And Shyla, what a true gem she is her eyes truly are windows to her big and loving soul!

  10. That dang wind makes such a difference in dealing with the cold!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Shyla, you are very brave to stand in the snow like that. Praying for your mom's knee

  12. Hope you are warmer and a lot more comfy by now.

  13. You definitely needed that roaring fire after all that! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Nothing bothers Shyla!!!! Not even the mighty wind gusts!

  15. Wow that is cold, nothing much worse than wind blown snow in your face. Love the third picture of Shyla, she really can fly.


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