Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Run from the Shadows, Seek the Sunlight

Does it ever feel like the dark shadows are stalking you? Shyla might feel that way at sunrise!

I don't have much time to write today but a shadow captured me this weekend. I'm feeling more overwhelmed by it than normal because of the other things in my life, like my dad's health, that are weighing on me. By contrast, the fact that I probably tore my ACL this weekend isn't a really big deal. However, I'm still sad about it because of the adventures that it may cause me to miss.

I am seeing an orthopedist today, and we'll go from there. The swelling is astoundingly huge, and now part of the knee is turning black and blue too!

If you've been reading for a while, you probably are not surprised that I immediately asked permission to keep riding a bike. Riding a bike doesn't hurt very much, although my pain scale is a bit skewed by having experienced nerve pain from my back. Nerve pain is an order of magnitude worse for me than any other kind. In any case, I still rode my bike this morning... and I lived to talk about it!

I will keep trying to look on the bright side, away from the shadows!
One miraculous bright side is that my Dad is doing well. I'm about to go see him at his home, with huge gratitude that he survived, and we can have more time together.


  1. Hari OM
    I see you fighting for the light - more wind to those wings!!! A bit of POTP for the knee, too... YAM xx

  2. I'm very sorry you find yourself in that place, KB; hopefully the shadow will pass soon :) How did you tear your ACL? Did you take a fall? Very happy to hear that your Dad is better - enjoy that time with him!

  3. POTP for you knee and may the doctor have good news for you today.

  4. My prayer for you is that your Shadow will leave you as quickly as shyla's left her and leave you in good shape to ride your bike and continue to play with your dogs and enjoy nature. So sorry all of this has happened hugs and hope your Shadow is gone soon

  5. Your Dad, wonderful news. Within our blog friends here and family, I think there are quite a few who have had a heart attack of some sort or another. My Dad, Hugh, Barb ( with her SCAD), and others, that all did so well afterwards, I hope he continues to do well. Your knee, I am surprised that the medics didn't say to immediately immobilise it. They do that down here, maybe that is only for a total tear, I have seen one of our netball ladies do that, and instant immense pain, carried off, huge bandage and splint immediately and surgery the next day.She is 100% now. Hope you have a very successful specialist visit today, and all those shadows get blown out of sight.

  6. We are sending both you and your dad lots of AireZen, KB. You are absolutely glowing, beautiful Shyla!

  7. Oh, KB - so sorry to hear about your knee injury! Hoping the orthopedist has reasonably optimistic news so you can get back to your normal (supernormal for most of us) outdoor activities soon. Sending all kinds of good thoughts your way. And happy that your dad continues to improve.

    Chris from Boise

  8. We hope you can keep those shadows at bay...

  9. So happy to hear the good news about your Dad. But so very sorry to hear about your knee. Knowing how much you love to be out and active, this has to be hard to digest. But knowing you, you will rise above the darkness and fight to recover faster than anyone could predict. Please do take care of yourself and listen to the doctor. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Big hugs.

  10. Aw, we hated hearing about the ACL. Our mom told us how much of a problem that is! We hope it heals quickly (is surgery needed?)!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. So glad that your Dad is improving. I hope he can do cardiac rehab which was life-saving for me. I'm afraid I'm going to sound too much like a parent when I say - rest the knee! Healing often takes time, and I'd hate to see you injure it more. I hope you had a good visit with the orthopedist. Thinking of you.

  12. I sure hope the healing hurries for you. We're so glad your Dad is doing okay, we were wondering.

  13. Oh no I'm so sorry to read about your possible ACL...but relieved your dad is doing well.
    Your sunset photo is amazing
    Hugs madi and mom

  14. Oh, that is great your Pops is doing well!!! I've been thinkin' abouts him and you guys lots! Oh, sorry to hears abouts your ACL ~ Ma had a slight tear in hers WAY back when she was in her 20's. Since she was young, it healed fairly quickly, and she hasn't had any problems since. Unlike when she hurts things now, it seems to take 87 years to heal! ☺ I hopes the dogtor has some good news for you! I will send good thoughts and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Mom's best advice is when everything seems to be falling apart and spiraling down, remember how fortunate you are compared to so many others. You have your pups, you live in a beautiful place, you have all your limbs. The trying times will end, and only be a small part of your entire life. It's tough in the moment, but you have to mentally fight to feel good and see the positives. Glad your dad is doing better.

  16. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your injury. Sending oodles of poodles recovery thoughts to you and your dad. 💗

  17. great news about your dad! and I hope your injury is not too limiting and not for long.

  18. KB,, we send POTH for you and your dad both


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