Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Accidental Photo

That photo is the best one that I've ever taken entirely by accident. Shyla and I were just about to do a nosework search. When I saw it on my phone, it took a long few moments for me to have a clue when and where it was.

What have been your best accidental photos?


  1. Hari OM
    It's a piece of abstract modernity! Not quite an accident - more poor management - but this is one of my fave mistakes... YAM xx

  2. Most of my photos are accidents good or bad but here is a link to one of my very best.
    It is on my personal blog My Mind's Eye
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Wow! Most of my accidental photos are to blurry and usually of my legs LOL!

  4. LOL - there is no way we would share our accidental photos:) Is that Shyla? Snow on her paws or are they really white?

  5. A fun photo! It has given me a needed grin at the end of my day!

    My best accidental photo was one of one of our girl's nose and mouth. All you saw was that charcoal nose and her bottom anterior teeth and she was smiling. A fun photo for me to remember, thanks for that!

  6. I have 87 photos of my feet... in all positions LOL

  7. a happy accident.. right now i am drawing a blank on accidental photos

  8. That is a good one! I don't usually get that lucky!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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