Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is the one dog who Shyla trusts so much. He's earned it with his loyalty and kind soul.
We all love our Black Dog!


  1. and so do I, love your black dog and your not black dog and even more the two of them together..

  2. Ys, we all love your black dog, too :) Not all dogs welcome a new puppy with such patience and generosity of spirit...

  3. Hari OM
    I'll join the fan club! YAM xx

  4. Love those two together. You should be in spring mode by now, our mornings are so dark already!!!

  5. Wouldn't we all love to have such a friend and companion?

  6. I feel like siblings are so important for fearful dogs - someone that can help them through some of their tough times. These two seem like such perfect friends!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. We love both R and Shyla too. And seeing them together so bonded is beautiful.

  8. We Love both R and Shyla.
    You share so much fun and beauty with blogville.
    xo Astro

  9. Each time you post a picture of R and Shyla, I celebrate and cheer the bond that they share. It's beautiful, and a tribute to the love you give them as their pack leader.

  10. OMD, that is the cutest pic evers! Two sweet souls....
    Ruby ♥


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