Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Desert Dreams

It's getting to be the time of year when we love visiting the desert so I am looking at old photos. This was sweet Shyla at K's Rock during a sunset just last spring.

I love K's Rock - and so do both dogs. R loves being my model for photo shoots. Here he was, showing off how great his surgical elbow feels at K's Rock. We are coming up on two years since he had the major CUE surgery that made his elbow feel so much better.

When we are at K's rock, I adore climbing up to a high point on my bike in the morning. It's a very long climb (more than an hour). Climbing is my favorite part of mountain biking so I love it. When I make it up to the viewpoint early in the morning, my shadow makes me look many times taller than I am!

At night, I love taking star photos at K's Rock. When I luck out, no planes go over for a long time, and I can capture wonderful time lapse photos of the stars rotating over K's Rock.
I am looking forward to some time out in the desert this spring!


  1. Hari OM
    I envy you those clear night skies! YAM xx

  2. I just left the desert, and I miss it so much. We are in Utah, and it's cold and snowy. Bleh. When will you be down there?

  3. Beautiful Shyla, handsome R and glorious stars!

  4. Love your shadow with the superLong legs, KB!

  5. Haha...long legs and huge boots. Then ight sky time lapse is totally magnificent.

  6. Lovely!!! absolutely..
    Mom is 5'3 1/2" on a good hair day. She needs to climb that mountain.
    Hugs madi and mom

  7. Wow, that is a very big KB:) We love seeing the photos of the pups on K's Rock. We hope you get to spend many happy days in the desert. And then we get to see all your fabulous photos.

  8. I always love seeing your star trails(and the duo too of course :-)!

  9. OMD, how FABulous! I loves those pics, and the star photo is one of Ma's favs! Ma would loves to be taller....☺
    Ruby ♥

  10. Where does the time go - can't believe it has been almost two years since R's surgery
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. What a beautiful time lapse photo! Play bows are specifically designed to tug at a pet-mom's heart.

  12. Absolutely love these photos KB.!
    And the one of your shadow is totally amazing!


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