Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 30, 2018

Flower Friday - From the Desert Archives

I had to go to the archives for these ones - desert spring flowers! In brilliant purple, this 4 o'clock flower opens everyday in the late afternoon and stays open until the following morning. It is pollinated by nocturnal insects - a neat trick for a flower that lives in such a hot area as the desert.

Behind Shyla, some yellow flowers were blooming at the base of a cliff. Rock wall bases are great for flowers because rain drips down off the wall onto them. I love seeing the combination of the red rock and colorful flowers!
Happy Flower Friday! Before too long, I should have some early mountain wildflowers to share!


  1. Hari OM
    Worth mining those archives, I say! YAM xx

  2. The purple 4 o'clock is such a brilliant color!

  3. wow and wow again on that purple flower.. gorgeous

  4. What a brilliant show of purple.

  5. Such a pretty purple flower. We are a long way from seeing anything blooming around here.

  6. We have snow flurries here...no flowers for a few more weeks. The purple flower is super pretty.

  7. Beautiful! We hope to have our own flowers to share soon too....just waiting for that snow to melt.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. We always enjoy the oldies but goodies. We look forward to your flowers of this season too.

    Happy Easter.

  9. That flower sure is beautiful and you always are sweet Shyla!

  10. The flower really is beautiful, and I'll look forward to seeing your spring flower photos too, I know Shyla will be beautiful among them! :-)

  11. Beautiful Shyla,,, beautiful flower!!! The color is stunning!


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