Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Happy Saturday!

It's a good day to snuggle up and relax. Sweet R is warm on our bed.

And so is Shyla.

We are all ready for a snooze after some time outdoors, enjoying the sunshine. When Shyla is happy, she loves to offer me a high five. It makes me smile ear to ear!
I hope that all of you are having a happy Saturday too!


  1. Hari OM
    Even better after these warmers! YAM xx

  2. My dogs look about the same in my bed this morning, while Steve and I are looking through a mushroom catalog, hoping to get wine caps to grow in our permaculture experiment. :) Love the last photo of you and Shyla!

  3. Warm and cozy is right…I don't know how you go out on a bike in your cold weather but love seeing the photos!

  4. Love your high fives, Shyla☺ Happy Saturday!

  5. Awwwww, snuggly pups. Nothing better.

  6. I'm about to start loading up for a trip to the recycling center and dump - always a thrill! No, really! Every time I manage to take detritus AWAY from my place, it feels like a victory :)

  7. We love snuggling in bed with our pawrents too. Shyla's high five with you is so cute.

  8. We had a nice snuggle morning in bed today too. Happy Saturday!

  9. It still looks cold up there, a wonderful pic of you both together, Shyla with her own fur jacket, you in windproof one and gloves!!

  10. Three pups here would love to start their day in a nice snuggly bed with the peeps. Great pic of you and Shyla!!!


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