Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thankful for our Black Dog

Our Black Dog is ten years old but you'd truly never guess it based on his behavior.
He is the first to leap into silly playing. That's part of why he loves puppies. He also plays with Shyla almost every evening.

I've recently been asked by a stranger if R is a puppy. And, he's TEN years old!

I am so thankful that we got his elbow fixed and gave him this bonus time of crazy happiness.


  1. watching 'puppy play' is one of my favorite things to do. when baby was alive, she and Jake played like this every day, the most fun was the chase each other game..

  2. I would get the same question about my GSP Josey until she was maybe 11 or so; play keeps you young :)

  3. Hari OM
    Oh that play shot has me grinning from ear to ear!!! YAM xx

  4. We sure love seeing R have such a fun time!

  5. Go, R!! It is just so extra joyful to see senior dogs acting like puppies! Our girls were seniors when we got Luke, and it was so fun to see him bring the puppy out in his sisters.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. He really is a special boy. Not all senior dogs can tolerate puppies well, much less enjoy playing with them like R!

  7. Age is just a number. He is healthy, and happy and that's what matters.

  8. It's a wonderful thing to act like a puppy forever, R!

  9. R looks like he is having a great time playing with that puppy. One of the things that makes R seem so young is that he doesn't have much grey around his muzzle.

  10. R loves a good rumble!!
    Don't you just love watching him play?
    Hugs madi and mom

  11. Just like people, some age better than others. Bailie is almost 5 and she is much more immature than Madison who is a year old. Mom loves older dogs who behave like puppies, it is a wonderful thing.

  12. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. we're so glad you hopped in!

  13. I'm glad you went ahead with the surgery - and rehab! - too :) What a great success story.

  14. OMD, that is sooooo adorables!!!!! I am glads you got his surgery too....just lookie at him nows!
    Oh, and Ma says I've never grown up eithers....I am still as bouncy as evers! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. R is a 10 year old beautiful puppy!


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