Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday - A Hint of Color on a Gray Day

Some days in the Rockies are not bluebird days. Clouds descend and color the world in a drab light.

Every once in a while on a gray day, the sun will momentarily burn through the clouds. That happened while I rode with Shyla one day recently. She hopped up on a boulder, and it was fun to see her silhouette with the sun directly behind her.
It almost looked colorful. That was enough to elicit a smile from me on a gray day!


  1. Hari OM
    Gorgeous - 'pearlesque' is how I would describe that! YAM xx

  2. That is a fantastic photo of beautiful Shyla! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. What a beautfiul photo of Shyla :D Milo, Jet & Arli

  4. The silhouette of you is just beautiful, Shyla!

  5. What a great silhouette of Shyla. You had the perfect model.

  6. this almost looks like she is carved out of the mountain. so beautiful

  7. Russell Hoban wrote a children's book of poems called "Egg Thoughts By Frances" (Frances being a badger). On these drab late winter days, I recite this Frances poem:
    "If you look before you go/Outside in the rain or snow/It looks colder, it looks wetter through the window./It is better when you're outside in it."

    It's wet, cold and miserable in Boise today; Habi and I will be "outside in it" nonetheless!

    Chris from Boise

    PS Shyla "pearlesque" - yes!

    1. I'm glad that you went out in it with Habi! I think that poem is right on. I'm going to post it by my window. -- pearlesque is the perfect adjective!

  8. The winter color of the grass mixed with the evergreens and gray skies is very appealing to my eye.
    I love Shyla's photo she has a glow.
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. Pearlesque--that's a great word for those conditions. Here on the east, a grey day is really grey. I can't tell you how many times I've seen interesting birds while under sail but it's just so miserably cloudy nothing looks good.

  10. Great timing to see that sun peeking out at just the right moment. Spectacular silhouette!!!

  11. We've had so many gray days here lately, any hint of color is enjoyed! Shyla knows how to find the perfect pboto ops! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. That is a very special photo
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Oh wow.. beautiful colors,,, beautiful Shyla!

  14. This time of year when the snow is gone and nothing is green can be depressing to look at.

  15. Such a wonderful silhouette of beautiful Shyla! Dealing with gray days are one of the downfalls of living here on the North Coast, but I agree with Chris in Boise...it's better to be out in it and appreciating the gray beauty!


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